Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Relevance of CHC broad abilities to classroom performance: SB5 CHC paper posted

As a professional courtesy, and as a result of a thread on the CHC listerv regarding the importance of Gv abilities in academic performance, I have posted a copy of "Application of SB5 results to the classroom", a poster paper written by Andrew Carson (Riverside Publishing employee) and Gale Roid (SB5 author) presented by Carson at APA 2004. Although written with regard to the SB5, the information (on the relevance of CHC broad abilities to classroom performance and activities) could be generalized to other CHC broad ability composites measures.

All usual disclaimers apply. In particular, IQ blogster readers should read my 3-25-05 "Airport ruminations: Glass on scholary e-pubs" post on the need for readers to serve as their own filters/reviewers of material that has not been reviewed by formal journal boards.

If other readers have papers that are relevant to this blog, and that won't cause copyright problems, contact me and I'll take a look. Maybe this could be a feature of this blog---dissemination of prepublication research findings and other "fugitive" literature (with all caveats to the reader).