Saturday, April 02, 2005

Evolution of CHC Cross-Battery Assessment: Dr. Dawn Flanagan's NASP comments

Yesterday, at the end of a NASP paper session on CHC Cross-Battery (CB) assessment, Dr. Dawn Flanagan, leading expert on CB, made an interesting comment.

She stated that CB was developed prior to the emergence of a number of well standardized intelligence batteries (WJ III, SB5, KABC-II) that collectively provide "norm-based" composites of the major broad CHC abilities. Thus, she stated that the real value of the CB method should now morph towards supplementing CHC-designed batteries at the narrow ability level (e.g., trying to obtain a two-test Visual Memory composite when giving the WJ III would require supplementing the Picture Recognition test with another test of MV). I thought this was a very perceptive insight regarding the responsivness of CB methods to evolution of the major intelligence batteries.