FYI - journal awareness. Cognitive Neuropsychology
Record 1 of 7
Authors C Becker, MA Elliott, T Lachmann
Title Evidence for impaired visuoperceptual organisation in developmental dyslexics and its relation to temporal processes
Full source Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2005, Vol 22, Iss 5, pp 499-522
Record 2 of 7
Authors AD Smith, ID Gilchrist
Title Within-object and between-object coding deficits in drawing production
Full source Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2005, Vol 22, Iss 5, pp 523-537
Record 3 of 7
Authors GW Humphreys, EME Forde
Title Naming a giraffe but not an animal: Base-level but not superordinate naming in a patient with impaired semantics
Full source Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2005, Vol 22, Iss 5, pp 539-558
Record 4 of 7
Authors M Arguin, D Bub
Title Parallel processing blocked by letter similarity in letter-by-letter dyslexia: A replication
Full source Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2005, Vol 22, Iss 5, pp 589-602
Record 5 of 7
Authors W Ziegler
Title A nonlinear model of word length effects in apraxia of speech
Full source Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2005, Vol 22, Iss 5, pp 603-623
Record 6 of 7
Authors T Shallice, N Venable, RI Rumiati
Title Dissociable distal and proximal motor components: Evidence from perseverative errors in three apraxic patients
Full source Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2005, Vol 22, Iss 5, pp 625-639
Record 7 of 7
Authors M Meeter, JMJ Murre
Title TraceLink: A model of consolidation and amnesia
Full source Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2005, Vol 22, Iss 5, pp 559-587