Monday, February 27, 2006

Executive functioning - excellent post from DI blog

I must confess that Chris Chatham's Developing Intellignence blog is becomming one of my favorites. At times the material is quite complex and deals with intelligence at a different level than the focus of my work and writings at IQs corner, but many times it is well worth the read.

Today he has one of the better posts I've recently read about executive functioning. Below is the URL to his post and the first paragraph of his rather lengthy post (full of links to articles, etc.). This is a post worth reading.

Under The Rug: Executive Functioning

  • If you want to build an intelligent and biologically-plausible system, you of course need an actuator or motor subsystem, object recognition capability, several different kinds of memory capacity, and probably several other subsystems corresponding to various regions of the human brain. But what kind of subsystem would be capable of orchestrating
    these capacities and coordinating them to produce intelligent behavior? To put it another way, does intelligence consist entirely in interactions between various capacities, or is there a cognitively- and anatomically-distinct agent that coordinates them? These questions (albeit in slightly different form) are the same as those confronted in
    "executive functioning" research.
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