Wednesday, March 15, 2006

CHC cognitive abilities and math disabilties in college students

Very interesting CHC-organized research article on possible abilities related to math disabilities in adults with learning disabilities. As prior research has demonstrated, fluid reasoning/intelligence (Gf) was found to be an important predictor of math ability/disability. However, in contract to prior research that has failed to show a consistent Gv-math relationship, this study suggests that visualization (Gv-Vz), as measured non-WJ-R tests, is related to math group status. Interested readers can read the abstract below and or check out the complete article (click here to view)

Osmon D.C., Braun M.M., Plambeck E.A. (2005). Processing abilities associated with phonologic and orthographic skills in adult learning disability. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 27(5), 544- 554.

  • This study evaluated college adults (N = 138) referred for learning problems using a Cattell-Horn-Carroll based intelligence measure (Woodcock Johnson-Revised: WJ-R) and spatial and executive function neuropsychological measures to determine processing abilities underlying math skills. Auditory and visual perceptual (WJ-R Ga and Gv), long- and short- memory (WJ-R Glr and Gsm), crystallized and fluid intellectual (WJ-R Gc and Gf), and spatial and executive function (Judgment of Line Orientation [JLO] and Category Test) measures differentiated those with and without math deficits. Multiple regression revealed selective processing abilities (Gf, JLO, and Category) predicting about 16% of the variance in math skills after variance associated with general intelligence (also about 16%) was removed. Cluster analysis found evidence for a selective spatial deficit group, a selective executive function deficit group and a double deficit (spatial and executive function) group. Results were discussed in relation to a double deficit hypothesis associated with developmental dyscalculia.
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