During the past year this blogmaster has made a number of posts related to research studies, articles, and musings re: the integration of psychometric and cognitive (information-processing) theory models [ note...there are too many to provide URL links...maybe at a later date when I have more time]. Unless one has had the time to read, study and integrate the vast body of literature that has been published re: the intersection of the psychometric and cognitive psychology research traditions, one is hard-pressed to provide a succinct and understandable overview of this body of literature. And, most of us don't have time to digest the various (and wonderful) edited texts that are available.
But that was yesterday.
This evening I stumbled across a wonderful/glorious synthesis article in the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology by C. Cornoldi, the editor of a special issue devoted to the contributions of cognitive psycholgoy to the study of intelligence. The complete reference is:
- Cornoldi, C. (2006). The contribution of cognitive psychology to the study of human intelligence. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 18 (1), 1-17
- "In particular hierarchical theories based on psychometric evidence pose one serious problem: It is not clear to which psychological processes the highest stratum or components correspond. Cognitive Psychology has isolated powerful cognitive mechanisms that appear to be critical predictors of high level intelligence and underlie different cognitive tasks. Reference to these mechanisms could help in the specification of the most central components of human intelligence."
I must say that this is one of the best overview articles I've read in a long time. I strongly recommend that all readers who are interested in theories of intelligence, and the development and interpretation of applied measures of intelligence, take time to read and study this article. I plan to reread it a number of times. Click here to view/read the article.....
Technorati Tags: psychology, intelligence, cognition, IQ testing, neuroscience, neuropsychology, brain, CHC theory, CHC, Cattell-Horn-Carroll, working memory, Gsm, processing speed, Gs, executive function, frontal lobes, neural efficiency, fMRI