As Al Fin points out in his amplification of an original post at the DI blog, that Chris Chatman has posited a visual schematic of the working and long-term memory (Gsm-MW; Glr) processes that attempts capture the more dyanamic nature of memory processes, process that may be misunderstood when examining more traditional box/arrow diagrams of working and long-term memory. A peak at these two posts are worth a look at the nice visual schematics of working/long-term memory arrows.
The DI blog post is one of the best I've recently seen in an attempt to explain the what happens during the dynamic process of working and long-term memory. I would urge all my readers to give Chris Chatman's thoughts a read. Very interesting stuff.
This work has reminds of the difficulty applied assessment personal often have in understanding how long-term memory/retrieval can be measured within a single test session. In particular, I run across this confusion when trying to get folks to understand that certain tests (e.g., WJ III Visual-Auditory Learning and Memory for Names; Kaufman's Atlantis and Rebus tests), although only requiring the retrieval of information that was learned a few minutes earlier, are already taping the beginning of the long-term storage process. I recall a nice visual schematic that helps makes this point in a recent journal article....I'm going to dig through my hard drive to see if I can find it...and then post it. More later...I hope
Technorati Tags: psychology, cognition, information processing, neuroscience, CHC, CHC theory, working memory, Gsm, long-term memory, Glr, memory, executive function, WJ III, Woodcock-Johnson, Kaufman, K-ABC II, IQ testing, pschological assessment, educational psychology