Tuesday, April 11, 2006

School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI) - fyi

This past week I made three more posts re: the concept of academic aptitude (combination of cognitive and conative abilities).

At last months NASP convention I ran across a new instrument that appears to have potential to tap some important non-cognitive aspects of a child's academic aptitude. The new scale is by Kathy Stroud and Cecil Reynolds and is called the School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI). I only had time to quickly page through the items at the publishers booth, so I currently have not reviewed the conceptual and/or psychometric underpinnings of the instrument. This is just an FYI post. Dr. Reynolds has graciously provided me a couple of pdf files that provide additional information regarding the SMALSI...they can be found by clicking here (some handout material) and here (ordering information).

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