Saturday, November 04, 2006

Blogging good for the brain - ideaphoria or Glr enhancement?

I enjoy blogging for the heck of it. Now, over at the Eide Neurolearning Blog, they have advanced the hypothesis that blogging may be good for cognitive development and the brain. I hope this is true. It is an interesting hypotheses.

Idealawg picked up on this post and discusses the idea of ideaphoria....that is, bloggers get high on the flow of ideas required by, and the result of, blogging. Although ideaphoria is a neat popular sounding term, folks may want to ground these interesting speculations in the most empirically established psychometric theory of intelligence (CHC Theory of Cognitive Abilities).

According to CHC theory, under the broad domain of Glr (long-term storage and retrieval) lies a number of narrow cognitive fluency abilities (e.g., Ideational Fluency, Expressional Fluency, Associational Fluency, etc.). So.....if blogging enhances certain cognitive abilities (which is an empirical question requiring research), a place to look may be under the CHC domain of Glr.

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