First...why am I offering ads at this point in time?
Simple. I LOVE blogging. IQs Corner (and now the sister blog...Tick Talk Tock: The IQ Brain Clock) are real labors of love..and are, more-or-less, hobbies. However, I'm not able to spend as much time as I would like with this blog. If I had the time I could be posting considerable more material and could add new features. However, blogging comes at the expense of other work, projects, contracts, etc....all that pay the bills. Long story short---If this blog could generate a little "ching" in my pocket, I could then rationalize stealing time from other activities and do more.
With that in mind, the purpose of this note is to alert potential advertisers(e.g., individuals, educational and/or psychological publishing companies, book publishers; organizations, etc.) that it is now possible to place simple ads on IQs Corner at an introductory blow-out rate [contact me for details]. This is a deal! If this works and traffic continues to increase, the rates will increase. So...get in while the gettin' is good. I will change the rates when I see fit. The current rate is a bargain. If you are an advertiser and want to make me a "creative proposal" (multiple ads; more than six months)...then fire away. Contact me at
Why should anyone consider advertising on this blog? A few random pieces of data below:
- You can't beat the introductory ad rate. [Or, make me an offer I can't refuse]
- IQs Corner blog traffic continues to increase. A review of the hit counter information suggests the recent traffic upswing was largely due to increased recognition of this blog in the on-line internet encyclopedia - Wikipedia. This blog is now listed as a resource under the Wiki topics of "intelligence" and "intelligence quotient/iq." These highly visible links are providing constant new traffic to IQs Corner.
- If you "Google" such terms/phrases as intelligence testing, CHC theory, and/or Cattell Horn Carroll, you will see that either this blog, or the IAP home web page (which in turn links to IQs Corner), typically show up on the first page of the Google search results. This blog, and the related IAP web site, has an established internet presence in the field of intelligence theories and testing, psychological theory, educational and school psychology, neuropsychology, etc.
- Your ad money should reach a group of readers who are interested in staying abreast of contemporary research in intelligence theories, intelligence testing, educational psychology, school psychology, special education, and general psychological and educational theory and assessment.
- IQs Corner was recently listed as a good resource in Scientific American: The Mind.
- You would help a great guy keep his hobby going :)
The placement of an ad does not imply endorsement of the advertising company or products by Kevin McGrew, the Institute for Applied Psychometrics, or IQs Corner Blog. It is just a way to try keep this blog hobby viable.
Let the games begin. This is an experiment. I hope this "back scratch" works for all involved.
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