- Thanks to Boing Boing for the "small world in your head" neuroscience related post
- Brain Injury has an interesting post about a partnership between the Brain Injury Association and Bob Woodruff (notable reporter who sustained brain injury in Iraq)
- Very interesting visual-graphic of the "whimsical image of the blogosphere from the edge to the core" over at the Data Mining blog.
- The always rich Developing Intelligence blog continues its series of excellent posts re: the development of prospective memory (remembering to remember)
- Thought provoking post (based on recent research article, as per usual) over at the Eide Neurolearning blog on the positive impact on cognitive due to heavily visual-based (Gv) video games...with the question asked--"what about auditory" (Ga)
- More on the whole brain fitness revolution...this time Consumer Reports making suggestions. Thanks to Happy Neuron for the tip
- Thanks to Mind Hacks for the tip re: some cutting edge Parkinson's disease research. This should be of interest to regular readers of the IQ Brain Clock blog, as Parkinson's has been linked to the brain structures closely linked to mental/interval time-keeping.
- Positive Technology Journal has an interesting neurotechnology post re: a recent study (n=5 clinical cases) of the use of some virtual reality neurotechnology in stroke rehab.
Technorati Tags: psychology, education, educational psychology, neuropsychology, school psychology, neuroscience, neurotechnology, brain fitness, stroke rehabilitation, virtual reality, brain injury, memory, video games, Ga, Gv
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