The following article, which provides support for the CHC Theory of Cognitive Abilities, as well providing important information on the CHC classifications of the individual tests from the DAS and WJ III intelligence batteries, was recently published in Psychology in the Schools.
Given my obvious conflict of interest (co-author of WJ III), as well as the credit attributed to me in the recognition of CHC theory in the article (I'm humbled), I'm not going to comment on the contents. Read and make your own judgments.
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Given my obvious conflict of interest (co-author of WJ III), as well as the credit attributed to me in the recognition of CHC theory in the article (I'm humbled), I'm not going to comment on the contents. Read and make your own judgments.
- Sanders, S., McIntosh, D., Dunham, M., Rothlisberg, B. Finch, H. (2007). Joint confirmatory factor analysis of the Differential Ability Scales and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities--Third Edition. Psychology in the Schools, Vol. 44(2), 119-138 (click here to view)
- This study examined the underlying constructs measured by the Differential Ability Scales (DAS; C.D. Elliott, 1990a) as they relate to the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory (K.S. McGrew, 1997) of cognitive abilities. The DAS and Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJIII COG; R.W.Woodcock, K.S. McGrew, N. Mather, 2001) were administered to 131 children in grades 3 through 5 who took part in a concurrent validity study included in the Woodcock- Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Third Edition, technical manual (K.S. McGrew R.W. Woodcock, 2001). Confirmatory factor analyses using maximum likelihood estimation were conducted with the AMOS 5.0 (J.L. Arbuckle, 2001) statistical program to evaluate three models of increasing complexity, to compare how well each fit the data set, and to identify the one that best described the underlying constructs measured by the DAS. Results suggested that the synthesized Three-Stratum CHC Model provided the most parsimonious representation among the three models tested.
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