The high standards set by the No Child Left Behind legislation is in the news again...this time a article posted at MSNBC.
For more detailed information regarding the "pulse" of NCLB, as reflected by the report (Beyond NCLB) of the non-partisan Commission on No Child Left Behind, check out the official report of the commission. The National Center on Learning Disabilities (NCLD) also has a nice summary posted.
Technorati Tags: psychology, education, educational psychology, school psychology, education policy, NCLB, No Child Left Behind, Commisson onf No Child Left Behind
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For more detailed information regarding the "pulse" of NCLB, as reflected by the report (Beyond NCLB) of the non-partisan Commission on No Child Left Behind, check out the official report of the commission. The National Center on Learning Disabilities (NCLD) also has a nice summary posted.
Technorati Tags: psychology, education, educational psychology, school psychology, education policy, NCLB, No Child Left Behind, Commisson onf No Child Left Behind
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