Tuesday, April 03, 2007

WJ III educational interventions publication available

A new WJ III [conflict of interest note - I'm a coauthor of the WJ III] Assessment Service Bulletin was distributed at NASP last week by Riverside Publishing. The title is "Educational Interventions Related to the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement." The reference citation is below as well as a paragraph that describes the purpose of the free download pdf file (click here)

  • Wendling, B. J., Schrank, F. A., & Schmitt, A. J. (2007). Educational Interventions Related to the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement (Assessment Service Bulletin No. 8). Rolling Meadows, IL: Riverside Publishing.
  • Information gleaned from performance on the WJ III ACH can be useful for developing instructional interventions, particularly when limited proficiency is identified in a narrow ability and/or associated with a specific cognitive process. To provide a link between WJ III ACH test performance and academic interventions, this bulletin includes an outline of the narrow abilities defined by CHC theory and brief descriptions of the cognitive processes required for performance in each of the tests; suggested educational interventions that are conceptually related to the narrow abilities and cognitive processes are included (see Table 1). The bulletin is organized according to key areas of reading, writing, math, and oral language instruction and includes a discussion of evidence-based interventions in each area. As examples, some interventions are described in this bulletin. References to research evidence for each suggested intervention are provided for further information.
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