- Thanks to the Brain Injury blog for the tip re: a new Spanish language web site on neurological disorders
- Check out the GNIF Brain Blogger for report that silent small strokes can accelerate the progresson of Alzheimer's
- Check out the Happy Neuron for some new brain fitness games (free trials available)
- The brain blog carnival Encephalon (#38) is now available. Thanks to the ever current Mind Hacks.
- Learning from mistakes...or not? Check out the "dopamine effect" (and basal ganglia) post at the Mouse Trap.
- PsycPort has posted a news report of a new study that confirms a long held belief.....foster care is better for cognitive development that being raised in an institution.
Technorati Tags: psychololgy, neuroscience, neuropsychology, educational psychology, Spanish, Alzheimers, strokes, brain fitness, brain blog carnival, IQ, IQ scores, intelligence, foster care, dopamine, learning, basal ganglia
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