Wednesday, January 02, 2008

CHC cognitive abilities and reading research

In preparation for a NASP 2008 workshop I'm doing with Barb Wendling and Barb Read, I've been completing a select review of key CHC organized and non-CHC organized research dealing with the relations between cognitive abilities (using the CHC theory lens) and reading and math achievement.

I just posted a copy of the reading summary...which is a "work in progress." It currently is "up" on the web in the form of a relatively large visual-graphic mind map that will require extra navigation via your mouse. But, if you start in the upper right hand corner (with the "Overview-Read First" branch) you should understand the gist of this resource.

This will be updated as the workshop approaches. Below is a summary of the workshop from the NASP web page.

Workshop 51: Using CHC Theory to Link Assessment to Interventions

Kevin S. McGrew, PhD, Institute for Applied Psychometrics, St. Joseph, MN; Barbara J. Wendling, BJ Consulting, Dallas, TX; Barbara G. Read, Department of Defense Schools, Okinawa, Japan

  • Sponsored by Riverside Publishing Company and the Woodcock-Muñoz Foundation
  • Saturday, February 9, 2008, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
  • This workshop will help school psychologists use the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities to link cognitive and achievement test results to a variety of targeted, evidence-based instructional interventions. Although CHC theory can be applied to the interpretation of any broad-based cognitive or achievement battery, workshop examples and case studies primarily use the Woodcock-Johnson III. The CHC broad and narrow abilities test, and underlying cognitive processes that are required for task performance on the WJ III, provide cues to related interventions for improving performance in key areas of academic functioning, or they may be used as the basis for requesting educational accommodations.
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