The editorial lead article is "New and emerging approaches to understanding developmental coordination disorder" (Wilson & Larkin, 2008) and can be viewed by clicking here. Below is the lead paragraph to the editorial article. It is followed by a listing of the articles in this issue.
- "The study of movement clumsiness in children (or Developmental Coordination Disorder (APA, 1994) has evolved considerably over the past 20 years. The field has mirrored parallel developments in the areas of motor control and learning, but also has influenced thinking in the mainstream developmental literature. A signifcant development has been cross-disciplinary approaches to understanding DCD; developmental disorders like DCD are of interest to psychologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, movement scientists, physical educators, paediatricians, child neurologists, nutritionists, and so on. Work has begun to integrate different methodologies, including genetic research using twin studies (e.g., Martin, Piek, & Hay, 2006), neurophysiology (e.g., Lust, Geuze, Wijers, & Wilson, 2006), and dynamical systems approaches (e.g., Whitall et al., 2006). This special issue of human movement science reflects this evolution. Furthermore, it shows how the work of international experts has influenced our very conception of atypical motor development, its broader impact on child and adolescent adjustment, and how movement skill can best be facilitated in children.....Papers here are drawn from the 7th International Conference on DCD, held in Melbourne, Australia in February 2007."
Authors BE Faught, J Cairney, J Hay, S Veldhuizen, C Missiuna, CA Spironello
Title Screening for motor coordination challenges in children using teacher ratings of physical ability and activity
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 177-189
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Authors MM Schoemaker, BCT Flapper, HA ReindersMesselink, A deKloet
Title Validity of the motor observation questionnaire for teachers as a screening instrument for children at risk for developmental coordination disorder
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 190-199
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Authors S Rosenblum, M LivnehZirinski
Title Handwriting process and product characteristics of children diagnosed with developmental coordination disorder
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 200-214
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Authors J Summers, D Larkin, D Dewey
Title Activities of daily living in children with developmental coordination disorder: Dressing, personal hygiene, and eating skills
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 215-229
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Authors P deCastelnau, JM Albaret, Y Chaix, PG Zanone
Title A study of EEG coherence in DCD children during motor synchronization task
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 230-241
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Authors C DiBrina, R Niels, A Overvelde, G Levi, W Hulstijn
Title Dynamic time warping: A new method in the study of poor handwriting
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 242-255
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Authors SJ Mackenzie, N Getchell, K Deutsch, A WilmsFloet, JE Clark, J Whitall
Title Multi-limb coordination and rhythmic variability under varying sensory availability conditions in children with DCD
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 256-269
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Authors J Williams, PR Thomas, P Maruff, PH Wilson
Title The link between motor impairment level and motor imagery ability in children with developmental coordination disorder
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 270-285
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Authors L Pettit, J Charles, AD Wilson, MS Plumb, A Brockman, JHG Williams, M MonWilliams
Title Constrained action selection in children with developmental coordination disorder
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 286-295
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Authors BCM SmitsEngelsman, Y Westenberg, J Duysens
Title Children with developmental coordination disorder are equally able to generate force but show more variability than typically developing children
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 296-309
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Authors M Licari, D Larkin
Title Increased associated movements: Influence of attention deficits and movement difficulties
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 310-324
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Authors AA Poulsen, JM Ziviani, H Johnson, M Cuskelly
Title Loneliness and life satisfaction of boys with developmental coordination disorder: The impact of leisure participation and perceived freedom in leisure
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 325-343
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Authors M Cantell, SG Crawford, PK DoyleBaker
Title Physical fitness and health indices in children, adolescents and adults with high or low motor competence
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 344-362
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Authors D Green, ME Chambers, DA Sugden
Title Does subtype of developmental coordination disorder count: Is there a differential effect on outcome following intervention?
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 363-382
Record 15 of 15
Authors PH Wilson, D Larkin
Title New and emerging approaches to understanding developmental coordination disorder
Full source Human Movement Science, 2008, Vol 27, Iss 2, pp 171-176
Technorati Tags: psychology, educational psychology, school psychology, neuropsychology, neuroscience, coordination, developmental coordination, motor abilities, OT, PT, CHC, Cattell-Horn-Carroll, Gps, Gp, handwriting, motor rehabilitation