Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer blogging, mobile blogging, push mobile blogging, etc.

I need to apologize to my regular readers for not posting much in the way of creative and unique content this summer. I've simply been swamped with summer activities and major projects that are sucking up all my time (blogging done is my spare hobby time). In addition, since getting my iPhone, I've been experimenting with mobile blogging...with all posts coming directly from my little phone. It is a personal blog called Mobile IQ.

One thing folks may have noticed is that I've made more brief and somewhat messy FYI posts to my two major blogs (IQs Corner; the IQ Brain Clock). These posts have also come from my iPhone. Via the use of Mobile Bloglines, I get constant RSS feeds of stories at other interesting blogs. When I see something of interest, it only takes a few taps on my iPhone screen to send an FYI post to my major blog. It is very quick and sweet...actually quite amazing. Unfortunately, the downside is that the URL links come through in their full messy splendor...they are not neatly embedded in the text. But, the instant "push-to-my-major-blogs" speed outweighs the less-than-perfect neatness of regular posts. I could go in later (on my primary computer) and clean everything up....but that defeats the purpose of instant mobile push posts.

Enough idle chatter. I'm hoping to start more regular posts very soon...possibly even toady. Your patience and continued patronage to my blog is much appreciated.