Monday, August 11, 2008

WMF Human Cognitive Abilities (HCA) Project update: 8-11-08

The free on-line WMF Human Cognitive Abilities (HCA) archive project was updated today. The major updates included the following:

New datasets: A number of new datasets (correlation matrices analyzed in Carroll's 1993 factor analysis meta-analysis) and original journal articles were added to the archive. Nine new correlation matrices were added to the archive. They are listed below.

  • BACH01: Bachman, L.F. (1982). The trait structure of cloze test scores. TESOL Quarterly, 16, 61-70.
  • BAIR01: Bair J.T. (1951). Factor analysis of clerical aptitude tests. Journal of Applied Psychology, 35, 245-249.
  • BANN11: Bannatyne, A.D., Wichiarajote, P. (1969). Relationships between written spelling, motor functioning, and sequencing skills. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2, 4-16.
  • BECH01: Bechtold, H.P. (1947). Factorial study of perceptual speed. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago.
  • FLEI12: Fleishman, E.A., Hempel, W.E. Jr. (1954). Changes in factor structure of a complex psychomotor test as a function of practice. Psychometrika, 19, 239-252.
  • FLEI51: Fleishman, J.J., Dusek, E.R. (1971). Reliability and learning factors associated with cognitive tests. Psychological Reports, 29, 523-530.
  • FOGA00: Fogarty, G. (1987). Time sharing in relation to broad ability domains. Intelligence, 11, 207-231.
  • GRIM01: Grimaldi, J., Loveless, E., Hennessy, J., Prior, J. (1971). Factor analysis of 1970-71 version of the Comparative Guidance and Placement Battery. Educational & Psychological Measurement, 31, 959-963.
  • GING21: Singer, H. (1965). Validity of the Durrell-Sullivan Reading Capacity Test. Educational & Psychological Measurement, 25, 479-491.
New manuscript: In addition, the following "in press" editorial manuscript (journal of Intelligence) has been added to the HCA project archive:
  • McGrew, K. (in press). CHC Theory and the Human Cognitive Abilities Projects: Standing on the Shoulders of the Giants of Psychometric Intelligence Research. Intelligence.

Request for assistance: The HCA project needs help tracking down copies of old journal articles, dissertations, etc. for a number of datasets being archive. Please visit the "master bibliography/inventory" section of this archive and visit the on-line dataset/reference file. When viewing the on-line working inventory, manuscripts/references featured in the color red are those we are currently having trouble locating. If you have access to either a paper or e-copy of any of the designated "fugitive" documents, and would be willing to provide them to WMF to copy/scan (we would cover the costs), please contact Dr. Kevin McGrew at the email address listed at the site.

Please join the WMF HCA listserv to receive routine email updates regarding the WMF HCA project.

All posts regarding this project can be found here.

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