Friday, October 03, 2008

Braille Assessment Inventory (BAI) available for free download

In 1996 I coauthored a small instrument called the Sharpe-McNear-McGrew Braille Assessment Inventory (BAI).  It was then published by Hawthorne Press.  A Buros Review is available.  It is now out of print---but I occasionally receive inquires regarding the instrument. After consulting with the first author (Mike Sharpe), we decided to make a PDF copy of this instrument available for download.  The manual can be downloaded by clicking here.  The test record can be downloaded by clicking here

As stated in the manual, "The BAI was designed to assit educators and others in determining whether Braille instruction is an appropriate intervention for students ages 6-18 who are blind or visually impaired."

Hopefully the instrument will be of use to certain professionals.