Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Beyond IQ: Metacognition, self-regulation, self-regulated learning (JER special issue)

Beyond IQ. Readers of this blog should be aware that I firmly believe that in order to understand, explain, and improve educational outcomes for learners, a "bigger picture" approach is necessary. I call it the "Beyond IQ Project." In particular, I've repeatedly sounded the accolades of the late Richard Snow's work on aptitude. I've made many posts related to this notion of aptitude, which includes many constructs such as self-efficacy, motivation, self-regulated learning, etc. I've even proposed a model for integrating these "conative" constructs (Model of Academic Competence and Motivation--MACMM). Most of my posts can be found by clicking on the Beyond IQ tag. I have been encouraged to see serious scholars in the field of intelligence (ISIR members) paying increasing attention to these constructs as they attempt to explain intellectual performance.

Today I ran across yet another special issue of a journal devoted to a major domain of the MACMM model - self regulated learning ("What do I need to do to succeed?"). Below is the table of contents of the current issue of the Educational Psychology Review. It looks EXCELLENT. I can't wait to read the articles. I've made the special issue introduction article available for viewing. If any reader would like to read one (or more) of the articles (I would provide a copy of the pdf file), in exchange for a guest blog post summary to this bog, please contact the blogmaster (iapsych@charter.net)

Why This and Why Now? Introduction to the Special Issue on Metacognition, Self-Regulation, and Self-Regulated Learning - Patricia A. Alexander (click to view).

Metacognition and Self-Regulation in James, Piaget, and Vygotsky - Emily Fox and Michelle Riconscente

Focusing the Conceptual Lens on Metacognition, Self-regulation, and Self-regulated Learning - Daniel L. Dinsmore, Patricia A. Alexander and Sandra M. Loughlin

Self-Directed Learning in Problem-Based Learning and its Relationships with Self-Regulated Learning - Sofie M. M. Loyens, Joshua Magda and Remy M. J. P. Rikers

Self-Regulation of Learning within Computer-based Learning Environments: A Critical Analysis - Fielding I. Winters, Jeffrey A. Greene and Claudine M. Costich

The Role of Teacher Epistemic Cognition, Epistemic Beliefs, and Calibration in Instruction - Liliana Maggioni and Meghan M. Parkinson

Metacognition, Self-Regulation, and Self-Regulated Learning: Research Recommendations - Dale H. Schunk

Metacognition, Self Regulation, and Self-regulated Learning: A Rose by any other Name? - Susanne P. Lajoie

Clarifying Metacognition, Self-Regulation, and Self-Regulated Learning: What’s the Purpose? - Avi Kaplan

An Interview with Dale Schunk - Gonul Sakiz

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