Tuesday, December 30, 2008

ITEMS - Instructional Topics in Educational Measurement Series

Regardless whether you are a user of educational measurement technology or teach courses in educational and psychological measurement, if you want to read relatively brief overview modules on select measurement topics, you should check out the free on-line NCME ITEMS modules.  The goal of ITEMS is to improve the understanding of educational measurement principles by providing brief instructional units on timely topics in the field, modules developed for use by college faculty and students as well as by workshop leaders and participants.  ITEMS are a product provided by the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME)

Below is information I lifted from the NCME ITEMS web page:

Instructional modules are designed to be learner-oriented and consist of an abstract, tutorial content, exercises, and annotated references. The teaching aids accompanying most modules are designed to support the use of the instructional modules in teaching and workshop settings by providing supplemental student exercises, references, test items, and figures or masters for transparencies.

The ITEMS modules can be downloaded as PDF files below (you can use Adobe Reader to view them).

Get Adobe Reader

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