Friday, December 12, 2008

Richard Lynn discusses Flynn Effect @ ISIR


  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    so do we get a post with your thoughts about the ISIR conference this year? Photos are nice, but...

  2. Thanks for the post. I couldn't do live blog posts this year as the wifi in the conference room was not free nor strong...and, during the evenings there was only time for dinner and smart talking. I do plan to send out some ISIR 2008 notes and comments over the next week or so. I first need to recover from the travel, which included the need to rent a car and drive home from Mpls the airlink flight was cancelled. Had to drive through very crappy roads......which were closed 60 miles north of my home town. Today was spent blowing and shoveling snow. I'm exhausted and need at least a day to recover. I shall be doing some posts...possibly as part of the new IQ Scholar Spotlight feature. thanks.


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