Wednesday, February 18, 2009

CHC COG-ACH research synthesis project: 1-18-09 update and revision

I just posted another update to the on-line PPT SlideShare show that presents my current interpretation of the results of a "CHC cognitive-achievement relations research synthesis" project that I've been working on.   The newest feature is the inclusion of a set of "cheat-sheet" summary slides to be used by assessment professionals to engage in more selective referral-focused cognitive assessments.  These research-to-practice summary slides (click here if you want to see an example) are intended to take the research synthesis results (the first 100 slides....yes...the show has 130 in total and is not yet finished) and make the results practical.

This presentation presents an update of the "CHC COG-ACH correlates research synthesis" project described and hosted at IQ's Corner and IAP. The viewer should first read the background materials regarding this project at these sites (how to access is also included in first slide). The results summarized in this on-line show are part of a manuscript that is in preparation with Barb Wendling and will also serve as the foundation for a mini-skills workshop at the 2009 NASP conference in Boston.

Revisit IQ's Corner to keep abreast of updates.

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