Friday, May 15, 2009

Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of intelligence: Brief overview with links

[Double click on image to enlarge]

The Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of cognitive abilities (CHC; Carroll, 1993; Cattell & Horn) is a hierarchical model of intelligence that combines the Cattell- Horn Gf-Gc (1987) and the Carroll tri-stratum models (1993) of human cognitive abilities (see McGrew, 2005, 2009 ). Carroll expanded on the Cattell- Horn Gf- Gc theory and proposed a three-stratum model that contains over 70 narrow or specific abilities at stratum one, eight primary second-order abilities at stratum two, and an overall g ability (general intelligence)at stratum three. The primary broad CHC abilities that relate to the content of contemporary intelligence batteries include fluid reasoning or intelligence (Gf), comprehension-knowledge or crystallized intelligence (Gc), visual- spatial ability (Gv), long-term storage and retrieval (Glr), auditory processing (Ga), cognitive processing speed (Gs), short-term memory (Gsm), and quantitative reasoning (Gq). Definitions of these broad CHC abilities, the narrow abilities subsumed under each domain, as well as additional abilities (e.g., tactile abilities—Gh) now being considered part of a more comprehensive CHC human ability model, are available here . An visual-graphic overview of the evolution of the CHC model, and its current status, is presented at the top of this post (from McGrew, 2009)

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