The table above is an attempt to summarize and compare the conclusions reported by the Flanagan and Fiorello researchers in the area of reading and math. Although the comprehensive CHC COG-ACH relations summary tables are not structured to reflect age-differentiated relations, Flanagan et al. (2006) provide insights into potentially important developmental COG- ACH relations. For example, the Flanagan research group reported that Ga, Gs and Glr abilities are important during the early school years and then decline in relative importance while Gc becomes increasingly important with increasing age. Narrow ability COG-ACH differential developmentally-based relations are also briefly summarized by Flanagan et al. (2006).
Despite limited empirical evidence in key CHC studies, both the Flanagan and Fiorello research groups suggest that Gf, specifically the narrow ability of Induction (I), is likely associated with reading comprehension. Both the Flanagan and Fiorello research groups identify other potentially important cognitive abilities (e.g., visual-based orthographic processing; morphological awareness; executive functions) for reading and math, abilities not yet formally integrated in the CHC framework. We will discuss these abilities later in the results and discussion section of the current paper.
Only the Flanagan research group has presented a CHC COG-Math achievement synthesis , a synthesis based on a much more limited pool of research literature (approximately ¼ of the reading literature references). Developmental math differences reported by Flanagan et al. (2006) were: (a) Gf abilities are consistently related to math achievement across all ages, (b) Gc abilities increased monotonically in importance with age, and, (c) Gs abilities were strongest during the elementary school-age years.
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