Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Developmental Psychology - Volume 45, Issue 3

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Subject: Developmental Psychology - Volume 45, Issue 3

A new issue is available for the following APA journal:

Developmental Psychology

Volume 45, Issue 3

A structured observation of behavioral self-regulation and its contribution to kindergarten outcomes.
Pages 605-619
Ponitz, Claire Cameron; McClelland, Megan M.; Matthews, J. S.; Morrison, Frederick J.
The neural correlates of infant and adult goal prediction: Evidence for semantic processing systems.
Pages 620-629
Reid, Vincent M.; Hoehl, Stefanie; Grigutsch, Maren; Groendahl, Anna; Parise, Eugenio; Striano, Tricia
Alternate models of sibling status effects on health in later life.
Pages 677-687
Falbo, Toni; Kim, Sunghun; Chen, Kuan-yi
The acquisition of gender labels in infancy: Implications for gender-typed play.
Pages 688-701
Zosuls, Kristina M.; Ruble, Diane N.; Tamis-LeMonda, Catherine S.; Shrout, Patrick E.; Bornstein, Marc H.; Greulich, Faith K.
Longitudinal associations between emotion regulation and depression in preadolescent girls: Moderation by the caregiving environment.
Pages 798-808
Feng, Xin; Keenan, Kate; Hipwell, Alison E.; Henneberger, Angela K.; Rischall, Michal S.; Butch, Jen; Coyne, Claire; Boeldt, Debbie; Hinze, Amanda K.; Babinski, Dara E.
Goal directedness and decision making in infants.
Pages 809-819
Kenward, Ben; Folke, Sara; Holmberg, Jacob; Johansson, Alexandra; Gredebäck, Gustaf
Genetic variance in processing speed drives variation in aging of spatial and memory abilities.
Pages 820-834
Finkel, Deborah; Reynolds, Chandra A.; McArdle, John J.; Hamagami, Fumiaki; Pedersen, Nancy L.
Parent–adolescent discrepancies in adolescents' competence and the balance of adolescent autonomy and adolescent and parent well-being in the context of Type 1 diabetes.
Pages 835-849
Butner, Jonathan; Berg, Cynthia A.; Osborn, Peter; Butler, Jorie M.; Godri, Carine; Fortenberry, Katie T.; Barach, Ilana; Le, Hai; Wiebe, Deborah J.
Early math matters: Kindergarten number competence and later mathematics outcomes.
Pages 850-867
Jordan, Nancy C.; Kaplan, David; Ramineni, Chaitanya; Locuniak, Maria N.
Preschoolers infer ownership from "control of permission".
Pages 873-876
Neary, Karen R.; Friedman, Ori; Burnstein, Corinna L.
Generic language and speaker confidence guide preschoolers' inferences about novel animate kinds.
Pages 884-888
Stock, Hayli R.; Graham, Susan A.; Chambers, Craig G.

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