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Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational/School Psych.
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Brain Fitness Webinar with Elkhonon Goldberg & Alvaro Fernandez. Kindle Book. Twitter Discussion. | Greetings!
SharpBrains' new book continues to get excellent endorsements: "Kudos for an excellent resource! This SharpBrains Guide is full of top notch information, provides practical tips and helps separate hype from hope in the brain health arena." -- Elizabeth Edgerly, Ph.D., Chief Program Officer, Alzheimer's Association "The SharpBrains' Guide to Brain Fitness helped answer many of my questions on the importance of both physical and mental exercise to stay sharp as we age. This is an important book for anyone in the fitness industry, and, for that matter, for anyone with a brain." -- Robin Klaus, Chairman, Club One Fitness Centers "We're talking a short, sweet, entertaining read on a complex topic, with timely reviews of 21 top technology products, as well as informed and expert predictions of where this burgeoning brain-fitness field is headed. More importantly, after you read it, you'll have a good, detailed sense of where you, personally, can act to improve your own couch-potato brain - and how to keep it fit and flexible your whole life. The SharpBrains Guide To Brain Fitness reminds of us all why books (and not just googling a topic) can be well worth your time and money. Two Stethoscopes Up - check it out." -- Doc Gurley, Internist Physician and Robert Wood Johnson Fellow, full book review Here | FREE Brain Fitness Webinar
| | Alvaro Fernandez and Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, co-authors of The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness, will cover the main highlights from this new book and address the questions submitted by readers. When: Tuesday July 21st, 10am Pacific Time; 1pm Eastern Time How to Register: Click HERE for more information and to Register
| Related Announcements
| | - A Kindle edition is now available HERE.
- The print edition of the book is available HERE. - Alvaro Fernandez will facilitate a twitter-based book club over the summer. If you have a twitter account, please follow alvarof for more instructions.
- If your organization is interested in ordering the book in bulk at 40-60% discount depending on volume, please contact us HERE. | Have a stimulating summer!,
- The SharpBrains Team | | | | | | |
SharpBrains | 660 4th Street | Suite 205 | San Francisco | CA | 94107 |