Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dependability of general (g)-factor loadings: Floyd et al. 2009

This is an update to a prior "IQ Pipeline" post regarding a manuscript that had been accepted for publication in the journal Intelligence.  The article is now official.  The reference citation (with link to copy) is:
  • Floyd, R. G., Shands, E. I., Rafael, F. A., Bergeron, R., & McGrew, K. S. (2009). The dependability of general-factor loadings: The effects of factor-extraction methods, test battery composition, test battery size, and their interactions. Intelligence, 37, 453-465. (click here to view/download)
As an FYI, the prior post included a link the to original Thorndike (1987) classic "Stability of Factor Loadings" article that was foundation of the current article.

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