A new issue is available for the following APA journal:
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Volume 35, Issue 5
On the role of individual items in recognition memory and metacognition: Challenges for signal detection theory.Pages 1123-1136Rehearsal strategies can enlarge or diminish the spacing effect: Pure versus mixed lists and encoding strategy.Pages 1148-1161Test sequence priming in recognition memory.Pages 1162-1174Inhibition in language switching: What is inhibited when switching between languages in naming tasks?Pages 1187-1195Extremely selective attention: Eye-tracking studies of the dynamic allocation of attention to stimulus features in categorization.Pages 1196-1206Component structure of individual differences in true and false recognition of faces.Pages 1207-1230Memory operations that support language comprehension: Evidence from verb-phrase ellipsis.Pages 1231-1239Scope of lexical access in spoken sentence production: Implications for the conceptual–syntactic interface.Pages 1240-1255Evidence of anticipatory eye movements in the spatial Hebb repetition effect: Insights for modeling sequence learning.Pages 1256-1265Temporary activation of perceptual–motor associations: A stimulus–response interpretation of automaticity.Pages 1266-1285On the control of single-prime negative priming: The effects of practice and time course.Pages 1286-1295Ignorance- versus evidence-based decision making: A decision time analysis of the recognition heuristic.Pages 1296-1305Modeling the effects of argument length and validity on inductive and deductive reasoning.Pages 1317-1330Category-based errors and the accessibility of unbiased spatial memories: A retrieval model.Pages 1331-1337Attributing study effort to data-driven and goal-driven effects: Implications for metacognitive judgments.Pages 1338-1343Attentional requirements for the selection of words from different grammatical categories.Pages 1344-1351Embodied memory judgments: A case of motor fluency.Pages 1359-1365Bayesian rationality in evaluating multiple testimonies: Incorporating the role of coherence.Pages 1366-1373Classifying partial exemplars: Seeing less and learning more.Pages 1374-1380