Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Playing in NFL increases chances of dementia


Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational/School Psych.

Sent from KMcGrew iPhone (IQMobile). (If message includes an image-
double click on it to make larger-if hard to see)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quantoids corner:Psychometrika, Vol. 74, Issue 3 - New Issue Alert

Theory and Methods
A Bayesian Semiparametric Item Response Model with Dirichlet Process Priors
Author(s)Kei Miyazaki & Takahiro Hoshino
Online sinceFebruary 18, 2009
Page375 - 393

A Hierarchical Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Model for Continuous Repeated Measurement Data
Author(s)Zita Oravecz, Francis Tuerlinckx & Joachim Vandekerckhove
Online sinceJanuary 10, 2009
Page395 - 418

Theory and Methods
Paradoxical Results in Multidimensional Item Response Theory
Author(s)Giles Hooker, Matthew Finkelman & Armin Schwartzman
Online sinceFebruary 24, 2009
Page419 - 442

Theory and Methods
On Insensitivity of the Chi-Square Model Test to Nonlinear Misspecification in Structural Equation Models
Author(s)Ab Mooijaart & Albert Satorra
Online sinceMarch 17, 2009
Page443 - 455

Theory and Methods
Exemplar-Based Clustering via Simulated Annealing
Author(s)Michael J. Brusco & Hans-Friedrich Köhn
Online sinceMarch 17, 2009
Page457 - 475

Theory and Methods
Agreement between Two Independent Groups of Raters
Author(s)Sophie Vanbelle & Adelin Albert
Online sinceMarch 20, 2009
Page477 - 491

Theory and Methods
Perturbation Selection and Local Influence Analysis for Nonlinear Structural Equation Model
Author(s)Fei Chen, Hong-Tu Zhu & Sik-Yum Lee
Online sinceMarch 05, 2009
Page493 - 516

Theory and Methods
Regularized Generalized Structured Component Analysis
Author(s)Heungsun Hwang
Online sinceApril 01, 2009
Page517 - 530

Theory and Methods
Why Are Experts Correlated? Decomposing Correlations Between Judges
Author(s)Stephen B. Broomell & David V. Budescu
Online sinceApril 29, 2009
Page531 - 553

Book Review
H. Wainer, E.T. Bradlow, & X. Wang (2007) Testlet Response Theory and Its Applications.
Author(s)Ying Cheng & Leslie Keng
Online sinceMarch 28, 2009
Page555 - 557

Book Review
S. FRÜHWIRTH-SCHNATTER (2006) Finite Mixture and Markov Switching Models.
Author(s)Hsiu-Ting Yu
Online sinceApril 22, 2009
Page559 - 560
Request a free sample issue
Alert information

Monday, September 28, 2009

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) journalreference list: 9-28-09

Recent threads on the NASP listserv have mentioned published studies on the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS).  I decided to pull together what I had in my professional database and post them as an FYI.  I also provide links to prior blog posts at IQs Corner for some of the studies. 

If someone has more references, please send them my way and I'll update the list.  And...if someone were particularly ambitious, sending me copies of the abstracts (in a Word or text file) and copies of the PDF articles (I could go locate them but am a bit busy right now) would be nice as I would then revise this page to provide a more comprehensive source of RIAS journal publications.

Beaujean, A. A., Firmin, M. W., Knoop, A. J., Michonski, J. D., Berry, T. P., & Lowrie, R. E. (2006). Validation of the Frey and Detterman (2004) IQ prediction equations using the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales. Personality and Individual Differences, 41(2), 353-357.

Beaujean, A. A., McGlaughlin, S. M. & Margulies, A. S. (submitted). Factorial Validity of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales for Referred Students. (click here for prior post)

Brueggemann, A. E., Reynolds, C. R. & Kamphaus, R. W. (2006). The Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS)and assessment of intellectual giftedness.  Gifted Education International, 21,127-136.  (click here for prior post with link to artitcle)

Edwards, O. W., & Paulin, R. V. (2007). Referred students' performance on the Reynolds intellectual assessment scales and the Wechsler intelligence scale to children- Fourth edition. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 25(4), 334-340.

Krach, S.K., Loe, S. A., Jones, W. P. & Farralay, A. (2009). Convergent Validity of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) Using the Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability,Third Edition (WJ-III) With University Students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 27 (5), 355-265. (click here for prior post)

Nelson, J. M., Canivez, G. L., Lindstrom, W., & Hatt, C. V. (2007). Higher-order exploratory factor analysis of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales with a referred sample. Journal of School Psychology, 45(4), 439-456. (click here for prior post)

Umphress, T. B. (2008). A comparison of low IQ scores from the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third edition. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 46(3), 229-233.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

IQs Corner Recent Literature of Interest 9-25-09

This weeks "recent literature of interest" is now available. Click here to view or download.

Information regarding this feature, its basis, and the reasons for type of references included in each weekly installment can be found in a prior post.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Did US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals use vodoo IQ score in Atkins MR death penalty case?

Very interesting (puzzling) death penalty case decided on creative averaging of three IQ scores spanning decades.  Check it at sister blog.

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The "bottleneck" problem

Very interesting post at DI blog about research on the "bottleneck"
problem in cognition. Follow link below.

Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational/School Psych.

Sent from KMcGrew iPhone (IQMobile). (If message includes an image-
double click on it to make larger-if hard to see)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

RIAS concurrent validity study with WJ III in university population

Krach, S.K., Loe, S. A., Jones, W. P. & Farralay, A. (2009).  Convergent Validity of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) Using the Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability,Third Edition (WJ-III) With University Students.  Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 27 (5), 355-265.

Validity studies with the Reynolds Intellectual Ability scales (RIAS) indicated that RIAS composite intelligence index (CIX) and verbal intelligence index (VIX) scores have moderate to- high correlation with comparable scores on other instruments. The authors of the RIAS described the VIX scale as a measure of crystallized ability and the nonverbal index (NIX) as a measure of fluid ability, but no studies were available comparing the VIX and NIX scores with an established measure of these abilities, nor studies specifically addressing the utility of the RIAS with a university population. The study examined RIAS scores of university students in comparison to scores on the Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (third edition; WJ-III). Consistent with previous studies, there were moderate-to-high correlations between the CIX and VIX scores and corresponding scores on the WJ-III. A substantially lower correlation was evident between the NIX and WJ-III fluid ability scores.
Article Highlights
  • The sample consisted of 107 undergraduate university volunteer subjects.  The authors point out that this is the first RIAS concurrent validity study in a univeristy population and also the first study to use an established validated composite index of fluid intelligence (Gf; WJ III Fluid Reasoning cluster) from an independent intelligence battery (WJ III).
  • As would be expected given the highly selective sample, the range of talent in the study was restricted (SD's ranged from approx 9 to 10-11 standard score points).  As a result, the author reported both the obtained and range-restricted corrected correlations between the three RIAS composite scores and the WJ III Tests of Cognitive Abilities GIA and Gc and Gf cluster scores [conflict of interest note - I'm a coauthor of the WJ III].
  • The primary correlations of interest are those for the observed/corrected overall composite IQ scores (.57/.75), the RIAS Nonverbal (NIX) and WJ III Fluid Reasoning (Gf) scores (.39/.54), and the RIAS Verbal (VIX) and WJ III Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc) scores (.72/.88).
  • Based on the above corrected RIAS NIX/WJ III Gf correlation (.54), the authors concluded that "the data in this study do not appear to support the use of the NIX scores as interpretable under the Gf–Gc or CHC frameworks. Further study is needed to determine whether this outcome is a result of the design of the NIX scale, a limitation of the WJ-III fluid ability measure, or an artifact of this sample."
  • The authors also reported that "the composite scores from the RIAS were significantly higher than those from the WJ-III."  The authors reported that the RIAS composite scores were approximately 3-4 points higher than the WJ III GIA score.  In important qualification (by the blogmaster) is that the authors used the original WJ III 2001 norms and not the later WJ III Normative Update norms, which in general, provide slightly lower scores for the WJ III...which would most likely make the RIAS/WJ III global composite score differences slightly larger.
  • It would have been nice if the study would have reported the intercorrelations among all tests so independent researchers could examine the pattern of correlations and possibly import them into SEM programs and run a quick CHC-driven CFA study.  More joint or cross-battery intelligence studies, like this one, are sorely needed.  There was a wave of them a decade or more ago...but they now are few and far between.
  • Although the corrected global composite IQ correlation is statistically significant and "high" (.75), correlations of this magnitude should not be interpreted as indicating that each test will provide nearly identifical general intelligence scores.  This issue is relevant to all IQ/IQ test comparison studies and is not specific to this study.  This was recently discussed and illustrated in an IAP Applied Psychometrics 101 research report.
  • As the authors acknowledge, caution is in order in making grand generalizations from this study given the highly selective nature and characteristics (university undergraduate volunteers) of the sample.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment Table of Contents for 1 October 2009; Vol. 27, No. 5


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Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment is available online:
1 October 2009; Vol. 27, No. 5

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Convergent Validity of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) Using the Woodcock—Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability, Third Edition (WJ-III) With University Students
S. Kathleen Krach, Scott A. Loe, W. Paul Jones, and Autumn Farrally
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 2009;27 355-365

Impact of Test-Taking Behaviors on Full-Scale IQ Scores From the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—IV Spanish Edition
Thomas Oakland and Josette G. Harris
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 2009;27 366-373

The Importance of Relying on the Manual: Scoring Error Variance in the WISC-IV Vocabulary Subtest
Laszlo A. Erdodi, David C. S. Richard, and Christopher Hopwood
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 2009;27 374-385

Psychometric Properties of the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment in a Head Start Sample
My T. Lien and John S. Carlson
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 2009;27 386-396

The Incremental Validity of Positive Emotions in Predicting School Functioning
Ashley D. Lewis, E. Scott Huebner, Amy L. Reschly, and Robert F. Valois
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 2009;27 397-408

The Average Distance Between Item Values: A Novel Approach for Estimating Internal Consistency
Edward D. Sturman, Robert A. Cribbie, and Gordon L. Flett
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 2009;27 409-420

Stability of Adolescents' Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Reports
Susan P. Antaramian and E. Scott Huebner
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 2009;27 421-425

Test Review: Wechsler, D., & Naglieri, J.A. (2006). Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability. San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment
Idalia Massa and Vivina Rivera
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 2009;27 426-432

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Book Review: IQ Testing 101 by Alan Kaufman

Anyone involved in the field of intelligence testing is familiar with the work of Dr. Alan Kaufman, a leading expert on interpretation of the Wechsler intelligence batteries, an author of his own intelligence tests, and a scholar/researcher who has published extensively in professional psychology journals on various aspects of intelligence and intelligence testing.

This past week I was pleased to receive a copy of his new book:  IQ Testing 101.  The number of books and published articles re: intelligence testing is beyond comprehension by any single reader.  Thus, although only having skimmed select sections at this time, I can say that this is the book I would recommend to anyone who wants an easy-to-read, accurate, introductory overview of the past and current state-of-the-art of the field of intelligence testing.  It appears to be an excellent book for those first learning about intelligence testing and for non-psychologists (e.g., physicians, lawyers, etc.) who want to become familiar with the basics of the field of IQ testing. 

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Why Would Anyone Want to Read a Book About IQ Testing?
Chapter 2: History, Part 1: Who Invented the IQ Test?
Chapter 3: History, Part 2: At Long LastTheory Meets Practice
Chapter 4: The IQ Construct, Part 1: We All Know What IQs AreDont We?
Chapter 5: The IQ Construct, Part 2: How Accurate Are IQ Tests?
Chapter 6: Hot Topic: Is IQ Genetic?
Chapter 7: Hot Topic: Are Our IQs Fixed or Are They Malleable?
Chapter 8: Hot TopicIQ and Aging: Do We Get Smarter or Dumber as We Reach Old Age?
Chapter 9: Hot TopicIQ Tests in the Public Forum: Lead Level, Learning Disabilities, and IQ
Chapter 10: The Future of IQ Tests


Thursday, September 17, 2009

NERONORMA Project: Spanish norms for common neuropsychological tests

Today, during my weekly literature search, I ran across a series of articles providing results from the NERONORMA project (Spanish Multicenter Normative Studies).  The project is described in a free on-line copy of an article available in the Archives of Clinical Psychology.  The abstract for the article is below
This paper describes the methods and sample characteristics of a series of Spanish normative studies (The NEURONORMA project). The primary objective of our research was to collect normative and psychometric information on a sample of people aged over 49 years. The normative information was based on a series of selected, but commonly used, neuropsychological tests covering attention, language, visuo-perceptual abilities, constructional tasks, memory, and executive functions. A sample of 356 community dwelling individuals was studied. Demographics, socio-cultural, and medical data were collected. Cognitive normality was validated via informants and a cognitive screening test. Norms were calculated for midpoint age groups. Effects of age, education, and sex were determined. The use of these norms should improve neuropsychological diagnostic accuracy in older Spanish subjects. These data may also be of considerable use for comparisons with other normative studies. Limitations of these normative data are also commented
Other articles published in the series are listed below:

  • PenaCasanova, J., Blesa, R., Aguilar, M., GramuntFombuena, N., GomezAnson, B., Oliva, R., Molinuevo, J. L.,Robles, A., Barquero, M. S., Antunez, C., MartinezParra, C., FrankGarcia, A., Fernandez, M., Alfonso, V., & Sol, J. M. (2009). Spanish Multicenter Normative Studies (NEURONORMA Project): Methods and Sample Characteristics. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24(4), 307-319.
  • PenaCasanova, J., GramuntFombuena, N., QuinonesUbeda, S., SanchezBenavides, G., Aguilar, M., Badenes, D., Molinuevo, J. L., Robles, A., Barquero, M. S., Payno, M., Antunez, C., MartinezParra, C., FrankGarcia, A., Fernandez, M., Alfonso, V., Solk, J. M., & Blesa, R. (2009). Spanish Multicenter Normative Studies (NEURONORMA Project): Norms for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (Copy and Memory), and Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24(4), 371-393.
  • PenaCasanova, J., QuinonesUbeda, S., GramuntFombuena, N., Aguilar, M., Casas, L., Molinuevo, J. L., Robles, A., Rodriguez, D., Barquero, M. S., Antunez, C., MartinezParra, C., FrankGarcia, A., Fernandez, M., Molano, A., Alfonso, V., Sol, J. M., & Blesa, R. (2009). Spanish Multicenter Normative Studies (NEURONORMA Project): Norms for Boston Naming Test and Token Test. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24(4), 343-354.
  • PenaCasanova, J., QuinonesUbeda, S., GramuntFombuena, N., Quintana, M., Aguilar, M., Molinuevo, J. L., Serradell, M., Robles, A., Barquero, M. S., Payno, M., Antunez, C., MartinezParra, C., FrankGarcia, A., Fernandez, M., Alfonso, V., Sol, J. M., & Blesa, R. (2009). Spanish Multicenter Normative Studies (NEURONORMA Project): Norms for the Stroop Color-Word Interference Test and the Tower of London-Drexel. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24(4), 413-429.
  • PenaCasanova, J., QuinonesUbeda, S., GramuntFombuena, N., QuintanaAparicio, M., Aguilar, M., Badenes, D., Cerulla, N., Molinuevo, J. L., Ruiz, E., Robles, A., Barquero, M. S., Antunez, C., MartinezParra, C., FrankGarcia, A., Fernandez, M., Alfonso, V., Sol, J. M., & Blesa, R. (2009). Spanish Multicenter Normative Studies (NEURONORMA Project): Norms for Verbal Fluency Tests. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24(4), 395-411.
  • PenaCasanova, J., QuinonesUbeda, S., QuintanaAparicio, M., Aguilar, M., Badenes, D., Molinuevo, J. L., Torner, L., Robles, A., Barquero, M. S., Villanueva, C., Antunez, C., MartinezParra, C., FrankGarcia, A., Sanz, A., Fernandez, M., Alfonso, V., Sol, J. M., & Blesa, R. (2009). Spanish Multicenter Normative Studies (NEURONORMA Project): Norms for Verbal Span, Visuospatial Span, Letter and Number Sequencing, Trail Making Test, and Symbol Digit Modalities Test. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24(4), 321-341.
  • PenaCasanova, J., QuintanaAparicio, M., QuinonesUbeda, S., Aguilar, M., Molinuevo, J. L., Serradell, M., Robles, A., Barquero, M. S., Villanueva, C., Antunez, C., MartinezParra, C., FrankGarcia, A., Aguilar, M. D., Fernandez, M., Alfonso, V., Sol, J. M., & Blesa, R. (2009). Spanish Multicenter Normative Studies (NEURONORMA Project): Norms for the Visual Object and Space Perception Battery-Abbreviated, and Judgment of Line Orientation. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24(4), 355-370.
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IQs Corner Recent Literature of Interest 9-10-09 and 9-17-09

This weeks "recent literature of interest" is now available. Click here to view or download.  I missed posting last weeks list, so here it is also (click here to view).  Double dose today

Information regarding this feature, its basis, and the reasons for type of references included in each weekly installment can be found in a prior post.

Early life stress and cognitive development

Thanks to BRAIN BLOGGER for this post.

Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational/School Psych.

Sent from KMcGrew iPhone (IQMobile). (If message includes an image-
double click on it to make larger-if hard to see)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

IQs Corner is official !!!!

IQs Corner is now official.  If you are tired of typing in the long title for this blog ( you now can use the shorter nickname that has become associated with this blog--IQs Corner.  The new URL is  Either the old (long) or newer (.com) address will work.  I hope this makes it easier for folks to remember where to locate this blog.  If all else fails just Google "IQs Corner" it always shows up at the top of the first page of Google results.


Monday, September 14, 2009

iAbstract: Internet testing of aging effects on cognition

Double click image to enlarge.

Book nook: PsycCRITIQUES - Volume 54, Issue 36 is now available online

September 9, 2009
Volume 54, Issue 36

Book Reviews
1. Cognitive Therapy for Suicidal Patients: Scientific and Clinical Applications
Authors: Amy Wenzel, Gregory K. Brown, and Aaron T. Beck
Reviewer: Richard McKeon

2. Wired for Survival: The Rational (and Irrational) Choices We Make, From the Gas Pump to Terrorism
Author: Margaret M. Polski
Reviewer: Gordon Pitz

3. Fooling Ourselves: Self-Deception in Politics, Religion, and Terrorism
Author: Harry C. Triandis
Reviewer: Catherine Scott

4. The Newborn as a Person: Enabling Healthy Infant Development Worldwide
Authors: J. Kevin Nugent, Bonnie J. Petrauskas, and T. Berry Brazelton (Eds.)
Reviewers: Ruth Feldman and Dalia Silberstein

5. Intelligence and How to Get It: Why Schools and Cultures Count
Author: Richard E. Nisbett
Reviewer: David D. Simpson

6. Sex Changes: Transformations in Society and Psychoanalysis
Author: Mark J. Blechner
Reviewers: Gabriel Rupp and Patrick Kubier

7. Somatic Presentations of Mental Disorders: Refining the Research Agenda for DSM–V
Authors: Joel E. Dimsdale, Yu Xin, Arthur Kleinman, Vikram Patel, William E. Narrow, Paul J. Sirovatka, and Darrel A. Regier (Eds.)
Reviewer: Steven Taylor

8. Taming the River: Negotiating the Academic, Financial, and Social Currents in Selective Colleges and Universities
Authors: Camille Z. Charles, Mary J. Fischer, Margarita A. Mooney, and Douglas S. Massey
Reviewer: Sheri R. Notaro

Film Review
9. Up
Director: Pete Docter
Reviewer: Mardi Allen

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Applied Psychometrics 101: Why IQ scores can differ #1 9-12-09 revision

If you downloaded the report AP101 #1 yesterday, you should return to the post and download a revised version. Some confusion in the discussion and estimation of the range of expected IQ difference scores (between different IQ tests that correlate at different levels) has been clarified.

I want to thank Dr. Joel Schneider for pointing out the confusion in the first draft. I plan to post future reports in a similar "draft" form--with the goal to receive comments and feedback that will result in better revised reports.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why can IQ scores can differ: Applied Psychometrics 101 Report #1--Understanding global IQ test correlations

Announcing Applied Psychometrics 101: IQ Score Difference Series--#1 Understanding global IQ test correlations. (click here to view and/or download)

Toady I'm announcing the first in what I hope is a series of applied psychometric brief reports. The goal of this project is to explain basic psychometric issues to help professionals and the public better understand psychological measurement, IQ testing, etc. Above is the title of the first report (and a link where it can be accessed). Below is the abstract, followed by a few comments. This report (and future reports) are accessible via a section [(Applied Psychometric 101 (AP101) Reports] on the side bar of this blog.

Despite reported evidence of strong concurrent correlations among IQ tests (concurrent validity), different IQ tests often produce different IQ scores for the same individual. This may be due to a number of factors. Prior to discussing the various factors, one must first understand the basic language of typical IQ-IQ comparison research. In the first of this series, IQ-IQ test correlations are explained. Statistically significant high correlations between different IQ tests, although providing strong concurrent validity evidence for tests, do not guarantee similar or identical IQ scores for all individuals tested.
Blogmaster comments

I've made a much longer series of comments regarding the questions and issues raised by this report as it relates to Atkins IQ MR death penalty cases at IQs Corner sister blog--Intellectual Competence and the Death Penalty. Visit it if you want more to think about.

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WMF Human Cognitive Abilities (HCA) project update: 9-11-09

The free on-line WMF Human Cognitive Abilities (HCA) archive project was updated today. An overview of the project, with a direct link to the archive, can be found at the Woodcock-Muñoz Foundation web page (click on "Current Woodcock-Muñoz Foundation Human Cognitive Abilities Archive") . Also, an on-line PPT copy of a poster presentation I made at the 2008 (Dec) ISIR conference re: this project can be found by clicking here.

Today's update added the following 10 new datasets from John "Jack" Carroll's original collection.
  • Davis, F.B. (1944). Fundamental factors of comprehension in reading. Psychometrika, 9, 185-197.
  • Davis, P.C. (1956). A factor analysis of the Wechsler-Bellevue scale. Educational & Psychological Measurement, 16, 127-146.
  • **Day, R. (1980). Unpublished study of the Language-bound effect.
  • de Mille, R. (1962). Intellect after lobotomy in schizophrenia: A factor-analytic study. Psychological Monographs, 76 (16, Whole No. 535). [ADI Document 7260]
  • Denton, J.C., Taylor, C.W. (1955). A factor analysis of mental abilities and personality traits. Psychometrika, 20, 75-81.
  • DuBois, P.H. (1932). A speed factor in mental tests. Archives of Psychology, 22 (Whole No. 141).
  • **Dupont, J-B., Gendre, F., Pauli, L. (1975). Epreuves operatoires et tests factoriels classiques; Contribution a l'etude de la structure des aptitudes mentales drant l'adolescence. [Tests of operations and classic factorial tests; Contribution to the study of the structure of mental aptitudes during adolescence.] Revue Europeenne des Sciences Sociales et Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, 13(No. 35), 137-198.
  • Remondino, C. (1962). Recherche sur la signification du facteur numerique. [Research on the signification of the numerical factor.] Revue de psychologie Appliquee, 12, 63-81.
  • Reyburn, H. A., Taylor, J. G. (1941). Some factors of intelligence. British Journal of Psychology, 31, 249-261.
  • Reynolds, C. R. (1979). A factor analytic study of the Metropolitan Readiness Test. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 4, 315-317.
  • Reynolds, C. R. (1980). Differential construct validity of a preschool battery for Blacks, Whites, males, and females. Journal of School Psychology, 18, 112-125.

Request for assistance: The HCA project needs help tracking down copies of old journal articles, dissertations, etc. for a number of datasets being archived. We have yet to locate copies of the original manuscripts for the datasets listed above that are designated with **. Help in locating copies of these MIA manuscripts would be appreciated.

please visit he special "Requests for Assistance" section of this archive to view a list of manuscripts that we are currently having trouble locating. If you have access to either a paper or e-copy of any of the designated "fugitive" documents, and would be willing to provide them to WMF to copy/scan (we would cover the costs), please contact Dr. Kevin McGrew at the email address listed at the site.

Please join the WMF HCA listserv to receive routine email updates regarding the WMF HCA project.

All posts regarding this project can be found here.

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hispanic Neuropsychological Society

Lewis Terman' "Termites"--IQ and giftedness

Excellent up-to-date appraisal of the classic longitudinal study of
gifted children over at BEAUTIFUL MINDS blog.

Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational/School Psych.

Sent from KMcGrew iPhone (IQMobile). (If message includes an image-
double click on it to make larger-if hard to see)

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Conf. Jan 2010

Conference: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society @ Uni of Arizona, Tucson, USA. 7-8 Jan 2010. Abstracts by 31 Oct 09.

Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational/School Psych. 

Sent from KMcGrew iPhone (IQMobile). (If message includes an image-double click on it to make larger-if hard to see) 

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Gv - In the minds eye blog

Thanks to TechPsych for the tip on this blog. I read "In the minds
eye" many years ago. It was an excellent book. I will be adding this
blog to my feeds for sure.

Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational/School Psych.

Sent from KMcGrew iPhone (IQMobile). (If message includes an image-
double click on it to make larger-if hard to see)

Saturday, September 05, 2009


Thanks to TechPsych for this FYI. I will likely join

Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational/School Psych.

Sent from KMcGrew iPhone (IQMobile). (If message includes an image-
double click on it to make larger-if hard to see)

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

IQs Corner Recent Literature of Interest 9-2-09

This weeks "recent literature of interest" is now available. Click here to view or download.

Information regarding this feature, its basis, and the reasons for type of references included in each weekly installment can be found in a prior post.

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Michael Jackson and creativity

Some good information on what we know about creativity from BEAUTIFUL
MINDS blog--a blog I just discovered and plan to moniter.

Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational/School Psych.

Sent from KMcGrew iPhone (IQMobile). (If message includes an image-
double click on it to make larger-if hard to see)