Thursday, May 20, 2010

iPost: New WISC-R to WISC III Flynn Edfect study

The Flynn Effect in the WISC Subtests Among School Children Tested for Special Education Services

Tomoe Kanaya and Stephen Ceci
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 19 May 2010, 10.1177/0734282910370139

The Flynn effect, a secular rise in IQ seen throughout the world, was examined on the WISC-R and WISC-III subtests in a longitudinal sample of more than 2,500 school children who were tested between 1974 and 2002. Multivariate analysis of variance and multiple regression analyses revealed that all the subtests experienced significant decreases in scores on the introduction of the WISC-III, as expected because of the Flynn effect, with the exception of Information and Digit Span.(Mazes was not included in the analyses because of a limited sample size.) On Picture Arrangement and Coding, however, children who were repeatedly tested on the WISC-III also experienced significant decreases compared with children who were repeatedly tested on the WISC-R. These findings add to the growing literature comparing the magnitudeof the Flynn effect on crystallized versus fluid measures. Implications for special education testing and the current WISC-IV are discussed.

Kevin McGrew PhD
Educational Psychologist 
FInd via Google:  IQs Corner

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