ASB #12 Use of the Woodcock-Johnson III NU Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Tests of Achievement with Canadian Populations is now available for download at the Riverside Publishing web site (click here).
As described at the Riverside web page:
Conflict of interest - I am a coauthor of the WJ III battery. Complete conflict of interest disclosure information is available via a link on the blog roll side bar of this blog.
Technorati Tags: psychology, school psychology, educational psychology, neuropsychology, special education, WJ III, WJ III NU, Woodcock-Johnson, Canada, Canadian IQ tests, normative update, IQs Corner, Riverside Publishing
As described at the Riverside web page:
This bulletin examines the use of the Woodcock-Johnson III Normative Update (WJ III NU) Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Tests of Achievement with a random sample of 310 school-age Canadian students. Results were compared with a matched sample of U.S. subjects selected from the WJ III NU standardization sample using WJ III NU norms. While some minor score differences are reported across the two samples, the study findings generally support the use of the U.S.-based WJ III NU norms with Canadian school-age populations.
Conflict of interest - I am a coauthor of the WJ III battery. Complete conflict of interest disclosure information is available via a link on the blog roll side bar of this blog.
Technorati Tags: psychology, school psychology, educational psychology, neuropsychology, special education, WJ III, WJ III NU, Woodcock-Johnson, Canada, Canadian IQ tests, normative update, IQs Corner, Riverside Publishing