Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Research bytes: Cognitive employment testing--aging strategies--cognitive thresholds

Three interesting articles from one of my favorite journals--Current Directions in Psychological Science.

As per usual when I make a research byte/brief post, if anyone would like to read the original article, I can share via email---with the understanding that the article is provided in exchange for a brief guest post about it's contents. :) (contact me at iap@earthlink.net if interested). Also, if figure/images are included in the post, they can usually be made larger by clicking on the image.

- iPost using BlogPress from my Kevin McGrew's iPad

1 comment:

Unknown said...

fectogCognitive Employment Testing
This was a very important article to have called to our attention. It provides validation for our activities and will be useful for our business. This provides scientific data that may not be as readily available as other data due to prior social conceptions of many psychologists.

Greg Anderson, Ph.D.
Manager of Test Development