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| | Sunday, March 6 | | | Dear Valued Customer, We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Psychometrika. Good news: now you will find quick links to the full text of the article. Access the article with only one click! Volume 76 Number 1 is now available on SpringerLink | | | | Register for Springer's email services providing you with info on the latest books in your field. ... More! | Kullback–Leibler Information and Its Applications in Multi-Dimensional Adaptive Testing | Chun Wang, Hua-Hua Chang & Keith A. Boughton | | Abstract Full text PDF | | | Structural Modeling of Measurement Error in Generalized Linear Models with Rasch Measures as Covariates | Michela Battauz & Ruggero Bellio | | Abstract Full text PDF | | | A Boundary Mixture Approach to Violations of Conditional Independence | Johan Braeken | | Abstract Full text PDF | | | A Sandwich-Type Standard Error Estimator of SEM Models with Multivariate Time Series | Guangjian Zhang, Sy-Miin Chow & Anthony D. Ong | | Abstract Full text PDF | | | Investigating the Impact of Uncertainty About Item Parameters on Ability Estimation | Jinming Zhang, Minge Xie, Xiaolan Song & Ting Lu | | Abstract Full text PDF | | | Positive Definiteness via Off-diagonal Scaling of a Symmetric Indefinite Matrix | Peter M. Bentler & Ke-Hai Yuan | | Abstract Full text PDF | | | A Network Approach for Evaluating Coherence in Multivariate Systems: An Application to Psychophysiological Emotion Data | Fushing Hsieh, Emilio Ferrer, Shuchun Chen, Iris B. Mauss, Oliver John & James J. Gross | | Abstract Full text PDF | | | Book Review | | WILCOX, R. R. (2010) Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Methods: Substantially Improving Power and Accuracy, 2nd edition. | Tian Siva Tian | | Abstract Full text PDF | | | Book Review | | MOSTELLER, F. (2010) The Pleasures of Statistics: The Autobiography of Frederick Mosteller. | Howard Wainer | | Abstract Full text PDF | | | Do you want to publish your article in this journal? | |
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