Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dissertation Dish: CHC ability relations to sensory motor abilities and parent levels of stress

No detailed comment on either as both are not available for purchase. The high shared cognitive and sensory motor variance values (first dissertation) puzzle me and suggest the possibility, given what I know about the two batteries, that the analysis may have been completed on W-scores.....and if across a wide age range, may be inflated due to age variance that was not partialled out of the developmental W-scores prior to the analysis. Wish I could access to dissertation to check this out.

Canonical relationship between sensory-motor functions and cognitive factors in traumatic brian injury by Mazur-Mosiewicz, Anna, Ph.D., Ball State University, 2011, 123 pages; AAT 3466812


There is a growing body of recent data suggesting that sensory and motor functions are significantly related to the overall integrity of the brain and nervous system. Although historically used as an indicator of the existence of brain damage, recent research suggests that sensory-perceptual and motor functions underlie and are relevant to higher-order cognitive functions. The present study explored the relationship between sensory-motor and cognitive functions in patients diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI). All patients were administered the Dean-Woodcock Neuropsychology Assessment System. This included cognitive and neuropsychological tests based on CHC theory, the Dean-Woodcock Sensory Motor Battery and Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities, Third Edition. The purpose of the study was (1) to quantify the amount of shared variance between cognitive and sensory-motor functions and (2) to estimate the variance in cognitive functions that could be explained by sensory and motor performance. As hypothesized, canonical analysis indicated that sensory and motor functions significantly overlapped with cognitive performance, suggesting a high degree of relationship between sensory-motor functions and Gf-Gc factors. Using canonical correlation, 78% of the shared variance of sensory-motor functions was correlated with cognitive functions, and 23% of cognitive performance was predicted by sensory-motor functions. The results of the study suggested that sensory and motor functions not only underlie the ability to perceive, learn, and express information, but also the ability to reason and process information. These data was consistent with Davis, Pass, Finch, Dean, and Woodcock (2009) who examined the relationship between these measures with patients diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Levels of stress as reported by parents and its relationship to their child's cognitive abilities by Woodbury, Christine, Ph.D., Texas Woman's University, 2011 , 138 pages; AAT 3467088


The purpose of this study was to examine if any relationship exists between Parenting Stress Index factors and child's cognitive abilities (Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory of general intelligence). The participant population consisted of 16 mothers and 16 children. The cognitive abilities were measured by using one of the following measures: (1) Kauffman Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition , KABC-II, (Kaufman & Kaufman, 2004), (2) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children , WISC-IV, (Wechsler 2003), and/or (3) Woodcock Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities , WJ III COG, (Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001). The results from the Parenting Stress Index , (Abidin, 1995) factors had both positive and negative influences on cognitive processes. The results indicated negative effects of distractibility, demandingness, and mood on long term retrieval, processing speed, auditory processing, and fluid intelligence. Conversely, distractibility, adaptability, and demandingness seemed to improve the cognitive processes of auditory processing, crystallized intelligence, and short term memory. Thus, distractibility and demandingness had both positive and negative influences on the cognitive processes.

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