I am pleased to announce, on behalf of Dr. Milt Dehn, the soon to be published on-line (web-based) Children's Psychological Processing Scale (CPPS). Briefly, this is a nationally standardized (n=1,121) scale where teachers rate students (ages 5 thru 12) on 121 Rasch-scaled rating scale items divided into 11 psychological processing domains.
A flyer describing the scale can be found here. Click here for a link to the website. The estimated date of availability is December 1, 2011. I have been informed that the on-line purchase option is not yet functional, but they are taking pre-orders by phone.
Double click on images to enlarge.
Conflict of interest disclosure: I, Kevin McGrew, have a financial (royalty) interest in the CPPS. I served as the measurement quantoid for the instrument and completed all the Rasch IRT item and scale calibration analysis, calculated the norms, and completed all the reliability and validity analyses.
- iPost using BlogPress from Kevin McGrew's iPad
intelligence IQ tests IQ testing IQ scores CHC intelligence theory CHC theory Cattell-Horn-Carroll human cognitive abilities psychology school psychology individual differences cognitive psychology neuropsychology neuroscience psychology special education educational psychology psychometrics psychological assessment psychological measurement IQs Corner general intelligence intelligent IQ testing validity intellectual assessment psychological processing CPPS
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