Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Children's Psychological Processing Scale (CPPS) available this fall

I am pleased to announce, on behalf of Dr. Milt Dehn, the soon to be published on-line (web-based) Children's Psychological Processing Scale (CPPS). Briefly, this is a nationally standardized (n=1,121) scale where teachers rate students (ages 5 thru 12) on 121 Rasch-scaled rating scale items divided into 11 psychological processing domains.

A flyer describing the scale can be found here. Click here for a link to the website. The estimated date of availability is December 1, 2011. I have been informed that the on-line purchase option is not yet functional, but they are taking pre-orders by phone.

Double click on images to enlarge.

Conflict of interest disclosure: I, Kevin McGrew, have a financial (royalty) interest in the CPPS. I served as the measurement quantoid for the instrument and completed all the Rasch IRT item and scale calibration analysis, calculated the norms, and completed all the reliability and validity analyses.

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