Saturday, November 26, 2011
Let the data speak. McGrew (2009) CHC intelligence article #6 most cited in journal Intelligence
I was just doing some fun web browsing at the journal web site for the most prestigious journal in the field of intelligence (Intelligence) and was pleasantly surprised to see that my 2009 invited editorial is currently among the most cited articles in the journal (#6), and was #12 in the most read articles. Damn....this makes my day. Thanks to all who have read and cited it. This will make my mom and dad proud.
CHC theory and the human cognitive abilities project: Standing on the shoulders of the giants of psychometric intelligence research. Intelligence, Volume 37, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 1-10, McGrew, K.S.
During the past decade the Cattell-Horn Gf-Gc and Carroll Three-Stratum models have emerged as the consensus psychometric-based models for understanding the structure of human intelligence. Although the two models differ in a number of ways, the strong correspondence between the two models has resulted in the increased use of a broad umbrella term for a synthesis of the two models (Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of cognitive abilities-CHC theory). The purpose of this editorial is three-fold. First, I will describe the CHC framework and recommend that intelligence researchers begin using the CHC taxonomy as a common nomenclature for describing research findings and a theoretical framework from which to test hypotheses regarding various aspects of human cognitive abilities. Second, I argue that the emergence of the CHC framework should not be viewed as the capstone to the psychometric era of factor analytic research. Rather, I recommend the CHC framework serve as the stepping stone to reinvigorate the investigation of the structure of human intelligence. Finally, the Woodcock-Muñoz Foundation Human Cognitive Abilities (HCA) project, which is an evolving, free, on-line electronic archive of the majority of datasets analyzed in Carroll's (1993) seminal treatise on factor analysis of human cognitive abilities, is introduced and described. Intelligence scholars are urged to access the Carroll HCA datasets to test and evaluate structural models of human intelligence with contemporary methods (confirmatory factor analysis). In addition, suggestions are offered for linking the analysis of contemporary data sets with the seminal work of Carroll. The emergence of a consensus CHC taxonomy and access to the original datasets analyzed by Carroll provides an unprecedented opportunity to extend and refine our understanding of human intelligence. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
CHC theory,