Another one for my quantoid readers
Another one for my quantoid readers
Multilevel factorial experiments for developing behavioral interventions: Power, sample size, and resource considerations.Page 153-175Dziak, John J.; Nahum-Shani, Inbal; Collins, Linda M.
An SEM approach to continuous time modeling of panel data: Relating authoritarianism and anomia.Page 176-192Voelkle, Manuel C.; Oud, Johan H. L.; Davidov, Eldad; Schmidt, Peter
A comparison of methods for estimating quadratic effects in nonlinear structural equation models.Page 193-214Harring, Jeffrey R.; Weiss, Brandi A.; Hsu, Jui-Chen
Estimating the causal effect of randomization versus treatment preference in a doubly randomized preference trial.Page 244-254Marcus, Sue M.; Stuart, Elizabeth A.; Wang, Pei; Shadish, William R.; Steiner, Peter M.
A comparison of four approaches to account for method effects in latent state–trait analyses.Page 255-283Geiser, Christian; Lockhart, Ginger
Taxometric analysis as a general strategy for distinguishing categorical from dimensional latent structure.Page 284-293McGrath, Robert E.; Walters, Glenn D.
Examining the reliability of interval level data using root mean square differences and concordance correlation coefficients.Page 294-308Barchard, Kimberly A.
The relationship between mean square differences and standard error of measurement: Comment on Barchard (2012).Page 309-311Pan, Tianshu; Yin, Yue