Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Psychological Assessment - Online First Publications

APA Journal alert for:
Psychological Assessment

The following articles have been published online this week before they appear in a final print and online issue of Psychological Assessment:

The Development and Validation of the Dieting Intentions Scale (DIS).
Cruwys, Tegan; Platow, Michael J.; Rieger, Elizabeth; Byrne, Don G.

Further Insights on the French WISC–IV Factor Structure Through Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling.
Golay, Philippe; Reverte, Isabelle; Rossier, Jérôme; Favez, Nicolas; Lecerf, Thierry

Formulation of the Age–Education Index: Measuring Age and Education Effects in Neuropsychological Performance.
Lam, Max; Eng, Goi Khia; Rapisarda, Attilio; Subramaniam, Mythily; Kraus, Michael; Keefe, Richard S. E.; Collinson, Simon Lowes

Rorschach Measures of Cognition Relate to Everyday and Social Functioning in Schizophrenia.
Moore, Raeanne C.; Viglione, Donald J.; Rosenfarb, Irwin S.; Patterson, Thomas L.; Mausbach, Brent T.

New Tricks for an Old Measure: The Development of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale–Brief (BIS-Brief).
Steinberg, Lynne; Sharp, Carla; Stanford, Matthew S.; Tharp, Andra Teten