Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance - Volume 38, Issue 6

A new issue is available for the following APA journal:

Spatial attention modulates the precedence effect.
Page 1371-1379
London, Sam; Bishop, Christopher W.; Miller, Lee M.

Flicker adaptation of low-level cortical visual neurons contributes to temporal dilation.
Page 1380-1389
Ortega, Laura; Guzman-Martinez, Emmanuel; Grabowecky, Marcia; Suzuki, Satoru

The perception of prototypical motion: Synchronization is enhanced with quantitatively morphed gestures of musical conductors.
Page 1390-1403
Wöllner, Clemens; Deconinck, Frederik J. A.; Parkinson, Jim; Hove, Michael J.; Keller, Peter E.

Effects of a coactor's focus of attention on task performance.
Page 1404-1415
Böckler, Anne; Knoblich, Günther; Sebanz, Natalie

Moving along the mental number line: Interactions between whole-body motion and numerical cognition.
Page 1416-1427
Hartmann, Matthias; Grabherr, Luzia; Mast, Fred W.

Saccade preparation is required for exogenous attention but not endogenous attention or IOR.
Page 1438-1447
Smith, Daniel T.; Schenk, Thomas; Rorden, Chris

Temporal target integration underlies performance at lag 1 in the attentional blink.
Page 1448-1464
Akyürek, Elkan G.; Eshuis, Sander A. H.; Nieuwenstein, Mark R.; Saija, Jefta D.; Başkent, Deniz; Hommel, Bernhard

Perceived causalities of physical events are influenced by social cues.
Page 1465-1475
Zhou, Jifan; Huang, Xiang; Jin, Xinyi; Liang, Junying; Shui, Rende; Shen, Mowei

Perceiving event dynamics and parsing Hollywood films.
Page 1476-1490
Cutting, James E.; Brunick, Kaitlin L.; Candan, Ayse

An investigation of the role of grapheme units in word recognition.
Page 1491-1516
Lupker, Stephen J.; Acha, Joana; Davis, Colin J.; Perea, Manuel

The relationship between alertness and executive control.
Page 1530-1540
Weinbach, Noam; Henik, Avishai

Reduced OSM for long duration targets: Individuation or items loaded into VSTM?
Page 1541-1553
Guest, Duncan; Gellatly, Angus; Pilling, Michael

The social psychology of perception experiments: Hills, backpacks, glucose, and the problem of generalizability.
Page 1582-1595
Durgin, Frank H.; Klein, Brennan; Spiegel, Ariana; Strawser, Cassandra J.; Williams, Morgan