Here is the new and improved IQs Corner Recent Lit of Interest. You no longer need to download a PDF as all articles are listed directly in this post. And, when available....drum roll...the abstract for the manuscript is included.
> PT J
> AU Sandlin, JA
> Wright, RR
> Clark, C
> AF Sandlin, Jennifer A.
> Wright, Robin Redmon
> Clark, Carolyn
> TI Reexamining Theories of Adult Learning and Adult Development Through the
> Lenses of Public Pedagogy
> AB The authors examine the modernist underpinnings of traditional adult
> learning and development theories and evaluate elements of those
> theories through more contemporary lenses. Drawing on recent literature
> focused on "public pedagogy," the authors argue that much learning takes
> place outside of formal educational institutions. They look beyond
> modernist narratives of adult development and consider the possible
> implications for critical adult learning occurring in and through
> contemporary fragmented, digital, media-saturated culture.
> PY 2013
> VL 63
> IS 1
> BP 3
> EP 23
> ER
> PT J
> AU Luo, W
> Azen, R
> AF Luo, Wen
> Azen, Razia
> TI Determining Predictor Importance in Hierarchical Linear Models Using
> Dominance Analysis
> AB Dominance analysis (DA) is a method used to evaluate the relative
> importance of predictors that was originally proposed for linear
> regression models. This article proposes an extension of DA that allows
> researchers to determine the relative importance of predictors in
> hierarchical linear models (HLM). Commonly used measures of model
> adequacy in HLM (i.e., deviance, pseudo-R(2), and proportional reduction
> in prediction error) were evaluated in terms of their appropriateness as
> measures of model adequacy for DA. Empirical examples were used to
> illustrate the procedures for comparing the relative importance of
> Level-1 predictors and Level-2 predictors in a person-in-group design.
> Finally, a simulation study was conducted to evaluate the performance of
> the proposed procedures and develop recommendations.
> PY 2013
> VL 38
> IS 1
> BP 3
> EP 31
> ER
> PT J
> AU Jeon, M
> Rijmen, F
> Rabe-Hesketh, S
> AF Jeon, Minjeong
> Rijmen, Frank
> Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia
> TI Modeling Differential Item Functioning Using a Generalization of the
> Multiple-Group Bifactor Model
> AB The authors present a generalization of the multiple-group bifactor
> model that extends the classical bifactor model for categorical outcomes
> by relaxing the typical assumption of independence of the specific
> dimensions. In addition to the means and variances of all dimensions,
> the correlations among the specific dimensions are allowed to differ
> between groups. By including group-specific difficulty parameters, the
> model can be used to assess differential item functioning (DIF) for
> testlet-based tests. The model encompasses various item response models
> for polytomous data by allowing for different link functions, and it
> includes testlet and second-order models as special cases. Importantly,
> by assuming that the testlet dimensions are conditionally independent
> given the general dimension, the authors show, using a graphical model
> framework, that the integration over all latent variables can be carried
> out through a sequence of computations in two-dimensional subspaces,
> making full-information maximum likelihood estimation feasible for
> high-dimensional problems and large datasets. The importance of relaxing
> the orthogonality assumption and allowing for a different covariance
> structure of the dimensions for each group is demonstrated in the
> context of the assessment of DIF. Through a simulation study, it is
> shown that ignoring between-group differences in the structure of the
> multivariate latent space can result in substantially biased estimates
> of DIF.
> PY 2013
> VL 38
> IS 1
> BP 32
> EP 60
> ER
> PT J
> AU Ranger, J
> Kuhn, JT
> AF Ranger, Jochen
> Kuhn, Jorg-Tobias
> TI Analyzing Response Times in Tests With Rank Correlation Approaches
> AB It is common practice to log-transform response times before analyzing
> them with standard factor analytical methods. However, sometimes the
> log-transformation is not capable of linearizing the relation between
> the response times and the latent traits. Therefore, a more general
> approach to response time analysis is proposed in the current
> manuscript. The approach is based on the assumption that the response
> times can be decomposed into a linear function of latent traits and a
> normally distributed residual term after the response times have been
> transformed by a monotone, but otherwise unknown transformation
> function. The proposed model can be fitted by a limited information
> approach, using the matrix of Kendall's tau coefficients and unweighted
> least squares estimation. The transformation function can be determined
> by resorting to discrete time. The proposed approach offers a framework
> for testing model fit by comparing expected and observed correlations
> and for investigating the hypothesis about the form of the
> transformation function. The adequacy of the proposed approaches to
> model calibration and model validation are investigated in a simulation
> study. Two real data sets are analyzed as a demonstration of the model's
> applicability.
> PY 2013
> VL 38
> IS 1
> BP 61
> EP 80
> ER
> PT J
> AU Camparo, J
> Camparo, LB
> AF Camparo, James
> Camparo, Lorinda B.
> TI The Analysis of Likert Scales Using State Multipoles: An Application of
> Quantum Methods to Behavioral Sciences Data
> AB Though ubiquitous, Likert scaling's traditional mode of analysis is
> often unable to uncover all of the valid information in a data set.
> Here, the authors discuss a solution to this problem based on
> methodology developed by quantum physicists: the state multipole method.
> The authors demonstrate the relative ease and value of this method by
> examining college students' endorsement of one possible cause of
> prejudice: segregation. Though the mean level of students' endorsement
> did not differ among ethnic groups, an examination of state multipoles
> showed that African Americans had a level of polarization in their
> endorsement that was not reflected by Hispanics or European Americans.
> This result could not have been obtained with the traditional approach
> and demonstrates the new method's utility for social science research.
> PY 2013
> VL 38
> IS 1
> BP 81
> EP 101
> ER
> PT J
> AU Reise, SP
> Scheines, R
> Widaman, KF
> Haviland, MG
> AF Reise, Steven P.
> Scheines, Richard
> Widaman, Keith F.
> Haviland, Mark G.
> TI Multidimensionality and Structural Coefficient Bias in Structural
> Equation Modeling: A Bifactor Perspective
> AB In this study, the authors consider several indices to indicate whether
> multidimensional data are "unidimensional enough" to fit with a
> unidimensional measurement model, especially when the goal is to avoid
> excessive bias in structural parameter estimates. They examine two
> factor strength indices (the explained common variance and omega
> hierarchical) and several model fit indices (root mean square error of
> approximation, comparative fit index, and standardized root mean square
> residual). These statistics are compared in population correlation
> matrices determined by known bifactor structures that vary on the (a)
> relative strength of general and group factor loadings, (b) number of
> group factors, and (c) number of items or indicators. When fit with a
> unidimensional measurement model, the degree of structural coefficient
> bias depends strongly and inversely on explained common variance, but
> its effects are moderated by the percentage of correlations
> uncontaminated by multidimensionality, a statistic that rises
> combinatorially with the number of group factors. When the percentage of
> uncontaminated correlations is high, structural coefficients are
> relatively unbiased even when general factor strength is low relative to
> group factor strength. On the other hand, popular structural equation
> modeling fit indices such as comparative fit index or standardized root
> mean square residual routinely reject unidimensional measurement models
> even in contexts in which the structural coefficient bias is low. In
> general, such statistics cannot be used to predict the magnitude of
> structural coefficient bias.
> PY 2013
> VL 73
> IS 1
> BP 5
> EP 26
> ER
> PT J
> AU Geldhof, GJ
> Pornprasertmanit, S
> Schoemann, AM
> Little, TD
> AF Geldhof, G. John
> Pornprasertmanit, Sunthud
> Schoemann, Alexander M.
> Little, Todd D.
> TI Orthogonalizing Through Residual Centering: Extended Applications and
> Caveats
> AB Residual centering is a useful tool for orthogonalizing variables and
> latent constructs, yet it is underused in the literature. The purpose of
> this article is to encourage residual centering's use by highlighting
> instances where it can be helpful: modeling higher order latent variable
> interactions, removing collinearity from latent constructs, creating
> phantom indicators for multiple group models, and controlling for
> covariates prior to latent variable analysis. Residual centering is not
> without its limitations, however, and the authors also discuss caveats
> to be mindful of when implementing this technique. They discuss the
> perils of double orthogonalization (i.e., simultaneously orthogonalizing
> A relative to B and B relative to the original A), the unintended
> consequences of orthogonalization on model fit, the removal of a mean
> structure, and the effects of nonnormal data on residual centering.
> PY 2013
> VL 73
> IS 1
> BP 27
> EP 46
> ER
> PT J
> AU Andrich, D
> AF Andrich, David
> TI An Expanded Derivation of the Threshold Structure of the Polytomous
> Rasch Model That Dispels Any "Threshold Disorder Controversy"
> AB Responses to items with formats in more than two ordered categories are
> ubiquitous in education and the social sciences. Because the putative
> ordering of the categories reflects an understanding of what it means to
> have more of the variable, it seems mandatory that the ordering of the
> categories is an empirical property of the assessments and not merely a
> property of the model used to analyze them. To provide an unequivocal
> interpretation of category ordering in rating formats, this article
> expands the original derivation of the polytomous Rasch model for
> ordered categories. To do so, it integrates a complex of mathematical
> relationships among response spaces from which a space of experimentally
> independent Bernoulli variables, characterized by Rasch's simple
> logistic model, can be inferred. From this inference, the article
> establishes the necessary and sufficient evidence to test the hypothesis
> that the required ordering of the categories is an empirical property of
> the assessments. This expanded derivation, which exposes how Adams, Wu,
> and Wilson (2012) misconstrue the model and its implications, is
> intended to dispel the so-called disordered threshold controversy they
> claim exists.
> PY 2013
> VL 73
> IS 1
> BP 78
> EP 124
> ER
> PT J
> AU Radwan, N
> Reckase, MD
> Rogers, WT
> AF Radwan, Nizam
> Reckase, Mark D.
> Rogers, W. Todd
> TI Linking Cut-Scores Given Changes in the Decision-Making Process,
> Administration Time, and Proportions of Item Types Between Successive
> Administrations of a Test for a Large-Scale Assessment Program
> AB There is a continuing tension in testing programs to equate forms and
> maintain score scales and at the same time allow for changing conditions
> in the educational system, such as curriculum shifts or practical limits
> on testing time. When such changes occur, psychometric staff members are
> challenged to develop linking methods that allow for comparable
> reporting but meet requirements for psychometric rigor. This article
> describes a method addressing such shifts in testing programs. The
> application of the method is demonstrated on a large-scale educational
> testing program that had changes in test length, content distribution,
> and decision-making process. The method used to accomplish the linkage
> was to develop a pseudo test from the items included in the longer test
> before the change that was designed to mimic the test after the change.
> The linking of the tests using the pseudo test process resulted in a
> percentage of successful students that was similar to the percentages
> obtained prior to the changes. The linked scores were treated as
> comparable rather than equated scores.
> PY 2013
> VL 73
> IS 1
> BP 125
> EP 142
> ER
> PT J
> AU Lindsay, WR
> Carson, D
> Holland, AJ
> Taylor, JL
> O'Brien, G
> Wheeler, JR
> AF Lindsay, William R.
> Carson, Derek
> Holland, Anthony J.
> Taylor, John L.
> O'Brien, Gregory
> Wheeler, Jessica R.
> TI The Impact of Known Criminogenic Factors on Offenders with Intellectual
> Disability: Previous Findings and New Results on ADHD
> AB Background Developmental and index offence variables have been
> implicated strongly in later criminal behaviour and service pathways and
> this paper investigated attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
> which, with conduct disorder, has emerged from previous studies on
> offenders. ADHD and conduct disorder are over-represented among criminal
> populations when compared to the general population. The present authors
> reviewed the extent to which ADHD affected the presentation of offenders
> with intellectual disability. Method Information related to index
> behaviour, history of problem behaviours, childhood adversity and
> psychiatric diagnoses was recorded in 477 referrals to forensic
> intellectual disability services. Comparisons were made between those
> with a previous diagnosis of ADHD and those without. Results The ADHD
> group showed higher proportions of physical aggression, substance use,
> previous problems including aggression, sexual offences and property
> offences, birth problems and abuse in childhood. Effect sizes were
> small. Conclusion Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with conduct
> disorder is associated with a greater degree and history of problematic
> behaviour in offenders with intellectual disability.
> PY 2013
> VL 26
> IS 1
> BP 71
> EP 80
> ER
> PT J
> AU Kritzer, KL
> Pagliaro, CM
> AF Kritzer, Karen L.
> Pagliaro, Claudia M.
> TI An Intervention for Early Mathematical Success: Outcomes from the Hybrid
> Version of the Building Math Readiness Parents as Partners (MRPP)
> Project
> AB The Building Math Readiness in Young Deaf/Hard-of- Hearing Children:
> Parents as Partners (MRPP) Project works with parents to increase the
> understanding of foundational mathematics concepts in their preschool
> deaf/hard-of-hearing (d/hh) children in preparation for formal
> mathematics education. A multiple-case/single-unit case study
> incorporating descriptive statistics and grounded theory analysis was
> conducted on the hybrid version of the intervention. Results showed
> productive changes in parental behaviors indicating a possible positive
> effect on parent knowledge, recognition, and mediation of early
> ma.thematics concepts with their young d/hh children.
> PY 2013
> VL 18
> IS 1
> BP 30
> EP 46
> ER
> PT J
> AU Stoeckel, RE
> Colligan, RC
> Barbaresi, WJ
> Weaver, AL
> Killian, JM
> Katusic, SK
> AF Stoeckel, Ruth E.
> Colligan, Robert C.
> Barbaresi, William J.
> Weaver, Amy L.
> Killian, Jill M.
> Katusic, Slavica K.
> TI Early Speech-Language Impairment and Risk for Written Language Disorder:
> A Population-Based Study
> AB Objective: To compare risk of written language disorder (WLD) in
> children with and without speech-language impairment (S/LI) from a
> population-based cohort. Methods: Subjects included all children born
> between 1976 and 1982 in Rochester, Minnesota, who remained in the
> community after age 5 years (n 5 5718). Records from public and private
> schools, medical agencies, and tutoring services were abstracted. S/LI
> was determined based on eligibility criteria for an individualized
> education plan. Incident cases of WLD were identified by research
> criteria using regression-based discrepancy, non-regression-based
> discrepancy, and low-achievement formulas applied to cognitive and
> academic achievement tests. Incidence of WLD (with or without reading
> disorder [RD]) was compared between children with and without S/LI.
> Associations were summarized using hazard ratios. Results: Cumulative
> incidence of WLD by age 19 years was significantly higher in children
> with S/LI than in children without S/LI. The magnitude of association
> between S/LI and WLD with RD was significantly higher for girls than for
> boys. This was not true for the association between S/LI and WLD without
> RD. Conclusions: Risk for WLD is significantly increased among children
> with S/LI compared with children without S/LI based on this
> population-based cohort. Early identification and intervention for
> children at risk for WLD could potentially influence academic outcomes.
> (J Dev Behav Pediatr 34:38-44, 2013)
> PY 2013
> VL 34
> IS 1
> BP 38
> EP 44
> ER
> PT J
> AU Fallon, A
> AF Fallon, April
> TI Assessment With the WAIS-IV
> PY 2013
> VL 95
> IS 1
> BP 125
> EP 127
> ER
> PT J
> AU Neuman, SB
> Gambrell, LB
> AF Neuman, Susan B.
> Gambrell, Linda B.
> TI Editorial: Reflections and Directions: Appreciating the Past and Looking
> Toward the Future
> PY 2013
> VL 48
> IS 1
> BP 5
> EP 7
> ER
> PT J
> AU Guthrie, JT
> Klauda, SL
> Ho, AN
> AF Guthrie, John T.
> Klauda, Susan Lutz
> Ho, Amy N.
> TI Modeling the Relationships Among Reading Instruction, Motivation,
> Engagement, and Achievement for Adolescents
> AB This study modeled the interrelationships of reading instruction,
> motivation, engagement, and achievement in two contexts, employing data
> from 1,159 seventh graders. In the traditional reading/language arts
> (R/LA) context, all students participated in traditional R/LA
> instruction. In the intervention R/LA context, 854 students from the
> full sample received Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) while
> the remainder continued to receive traditional R/LA. CORI emphasizes
> support for reading motivation, reading engagement, and cognitive
> strategies for reading informational text. Seven motivation constructs
> were included: four motivations that are usually positively associated
> with achievement (intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, valuing, and
> prosocial goals) and three motivations that are usually negatively
> associated with achievement (perceived difficulty, devaluing, and
> antisocial goals). Reading engagement was also represented by positive
> and negative constructs, namely dedication to and avoidance of reading.
> Gender, ethnicity, and income were statistically controlled in all
> analyses. In the traditional R/LA context, a total network model
> prevailed, in which motivation was associated with achievement both
> directly and indirectly through engagement. In contrast, in the
> intervention R/LA context, a dual-effects model prevailed, in which
> engagement and achievement were separate outcomes of instruction and
> motivation. The intervention R/LA context analyses revealed that CORI
> was associated with positive changes in motivation, engagement, and
> achievement relative to traditional R/LA instruction. The discussion
> explains why there were different relations in the two instructional
> contexts and demonstrates the importance of simultaneously examining
> both positive (affirming) and negative (undermining) forms of motivation
> and engagement.
> PY 2013
> VL 48
> IS 1
> BP 9
> EP 26
> ER
> PT J
> AU Goodwin, AP
> Gilbert, JK
> Cho, SJ
> AF Goodwin, Amanda P.
> Gilbert, Jennifer K.
> Cho, Sun-Joo
> TI Morphological Contributions to Adolescent Word Reading: An Item Response
> Approach
> AB The current study uses a crossed random-effects item response model to
> simultaneously examine both reader and word characteristics and
> interactions between them that predict the reading of 39 morphologically
> complex words for 221 middle school students. Results suggest that a
> reader's ability to read a root word (e.g., isolate) predicts that
> reader's ability to read a related derived word (e.g., isolation). After
> controlling for root-word reading, results also suggest that the
> remaining variability in derived-word reading can be explained by word
> and reader characteristics. The significant word characteristics include
> derived-word frequency and root-word frequency but not morpheme
> neighborhood size, average family frequency, number of morphemes, or
> semantic opaqueness. The significant reader characteristics include
> morphological awareness and vocabulary knowledge but not reading
> comprehension. Only phonological and orthographic-phonological
> opaqueness interacted with the effect of root-word reading, suggesting
> that students were less able to apply root-word knowledge when the root
> word changed phonologically (with or without an orthographic change) in
> the larger derived word. Discussion is included regarding how findings
> from this study inform the development of models of word reading for
> adolescents.
> PY 2013
> VL 48
> IS 1
> BP 39
> EP 60
> ER
> PT J
> AU Vaughn, S
> Swanson, EA
> Roberts, G
> Wanzek, J
> Stillman-Spisak, SJ
> Solis, M
> Simmons, D
> AF Vaughn, Sharon
> Swanson, Elizabeth A.
> Roberts, Greg
> Wanzek, Jeanne
> Stillman-Spisak, Stephanie J.
> Solis, Michael
> Simmons, Deborah
> TI Improving Reading Comprehension and Social Studies Knowledge in Middle
> School
> AB This study aimed to determine the efficacy of a content acquisition and
> reading comprehension treatment implemented by eighth-grade social
> studies teachers. Using a within-teacher design, the eighth-grade
> teachers social studies classes were randomly assigned to treatment or
> comparison conditions. Teachers (n = 5) taught the same instructional
> content to both treatment and comparison classes, but the treatment
> classes used instructional practices focused on teaching essential
> words, text as a source for reading and discussion, and team-based
> learning approaches. Students in the treatment conditions (n = 261)
> scored statistically higher than students in the comparison conditions
> (n = 158) on all three outcomes: content acquisition (ES = 0.17),
> content reading comprehension (ES = 0.29), and standardized reading
> comprehension (ES = 0.20). Findings are interpreted as demonstrating
> support for the treatment in improving both knowledge acquisition and
> reading comprehension within content area instruction.
> PY 2013
> VL 48
> IS 1
> BP 77
> EP 93
> ER
> PT J
> AU Urso, A
> AF Urso, Annmarie
> TI Introduction to Response to Intervention
> PY 2013
> VL 29
> IS 1
> BP 1
> EP 3
> ER
> PT J
> AU Saddler, B
> Asaro-Saddler, K
> AF Saddler, Bruce
> Asaro-Saddler, Kristie
> TI Response to Intervention in Writing: A Suggested Framework for
> Screening, Intervention, and Progress Monitoring
> AB Writing may be the most complex facet of the language arts. Students
> need to become competent writers to succeed in school and society;
> therefore, teaching these skills is an important educational goal. To
> accomplish this goal, schools must identify students who have writing
> difficulties early in order to enact effectual interventions. Early
> screening and intervention is even more important in the current
> educational climate of response to intervention. In this article we
> discuss how schools can create a tiered system of screening,
> intervention, and progress monitoring for writing.
> PY 2013
> VL 29
> IS 1
> BP 20
> EP 43
> ER
> PT J
> AU Abu-Hamour, B
> Urso, A
> Mather, N
> AF Abu-Hamour, Bashir
> Urso, Annmarie
> Mather, Nancy
> TI The Application of Standardized Assessments and CBM Measures in a Case
> Study of a Student With a Severe Reading Disability
> AB This case study examines the impact of intensive research-based
> instruction on the reading development of a bilingual adolescent male
> with a history of reading failure. The study demonstrates the value of
> using normative-based assessments for accurately diagnosing a specific
> learning disability and curriculum-based measures for monitoring the
> effects of intervention. The results of a 24-week intervention also
> demonstrated the effectiveness of both progress monitoring and
> instruction when delivered in a daily, individualized setting. This case
> study clearly illustrates that adolescents with poor literacy can make
> adequate progress but that some schools are still failing to provide
> adequate and appropriate instruction to students who struggle to learn
> to read and spell. We also discuss implications for
> response-to-intervention models for secondary students.
> PY 2013
> VL 29
> IS 1
> BP 44
> EP 63
> ER
> PT J
> AU Thorius, KK
> Sullivan, AL
> AF Thorius, Kathleen King
> Sullivan, Amanda L.
> TI Interrogating Instruction and Intervention in RTI Research With Students
> Identified as English Language Learners
> AB There are ample research and position papers advocating response-to-
> intervention (RTI) frameworks to address the academic struggles of
> students identified as English language learners (ELLs) and to prevent
> inequitable outcomes such as overrepresentation in special education.
> However, some scholars have questioned how RTI is conceptualized and
> implemented with ELLs. This systematic literature review explores how
> the existing research on RTI for ELLs has addressed (a) the quality and
> appropriateness of Tier 1 practices for ELLs and (b) linguistic factors
> as contexts that impact this quality. A key finding is that current
> research is not sufficiently linked to general education instruction.
> Thus, we suggest that future RTI research address instruction for ELLs
> in general education settings, including the incorporation of Title I
> supports, bilingual education and language acquisition programs, and
> culturally responsive pedagogy into Tier 1 universal interventions.
> PY 2013
> VL 29
> IS 1
> BP 64
> EP 88
> ER
> PT J
> AU Ritchey, KD
> Coker, DL
> AF Ritchey, Kristen D.
> Coker, David L., Jr.
> TI An Investigation of the Validity and Utility of Two Curriculum-Based
> Measurement Writing Tasks
> AB We investigated 2 curriculum-based measurement tasks for writing with
> 170 students in 2nd and 3rd grade. The 2 tasks, Story Starter and
> Picture Story, varied on topical support. Both tasks used production and
> accuracy scores, and we developed a qualitative score for Picture Story.
> All production and accuracy scores and the qualitative score
> demonstrated low to moderate validity coefficients with the
> Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement Writing Samples subtest and a
> teacher rating of overall writing ability. All scores were sensitive to
> grade-level differences in performance, with 3rd-grade students
> performing higher than 2nd-grade students. Two scores for Picture Story
> were sensitive to growth only for 3rd-grade students, and 5 scores were
> sensitive to bimonthly growth for both grade levels. There was moderate
> classification accuracy for both tasks.
> PY 2013
> VL 29
> IS 1
> BP 89
> EP 119
> ER
> PT J
> AU Petrill, SA
> AF Petrill, Stephen A.
> TI Editorial: Integrating neurobiological, genetic, and environmental risk
> factors in cognitive and behavioral conditions
> PY 2013
> VL 54
> IS 1
> BP 1
> EP 2
> ER
> PT J
> AU Zhou, MM
> AF Zhou, Mingming
> TI University student's goal profiles and metacomprehension accuracy
> AB In this study, undergraduate students provided confidence ratings to
> predict future performance in answering questions drawn from the text
> before reading the text, after reading the text and after rereading the
> text. Self-reports of achievement goal orientations during reading and
> posttest scores were also collected. Students calibration index was the
> comparison between their predicted posttest performance and actual
> performance in the posttest. Correlational analyses did not reveal any
> statistically detectable relationships between self-reported goal
> orientations and monitoring accuracy, except that bias scores were
> marginally related to goal orientations. Further cluster analyses and
> analyses of variance (ANOVA) also showed that students multiple goal
> profiles failed to clearly differentiate the groups in terms of their
> calibration accuracy, yet performance-approach goals did distinguish
> overconfident from underconfident students. Plausible reasons for the
> finding were provided and implications for future research were also
> discussed.
> PY 2013
> VL 33
> IS 1
> BP 1
> EP 13
> ER
> PT J
> AU Plenty, S
> Heubeck, BG
> AF Plenty, Stephanie
> Heubeck, Bernd G.
> TI A multidimensional analysis of changes in mathematics motivation and
> engagement during high school
> AB Despite concerns about declining interest and enrolments in mathematics,
> little research has examined change in a broad range of constructs
> reflecting mathematics motivation and engagement. The current study used
> an 11-factor model of motivation and engagement to evaluate levels of
> maths motivation compared to general academic motivation and to assess
> group-level and individual-level changes in maths motivation during
> secondary school. In a multicohort-multioccasion design, Australian
> students completed an adaptation of the Motivation and Engagement Scale
> in two consecutive school years. Ratings in mathematics were lower than
> general academic motivation on several scales but particularly on the
> planning and task management scales and for the year seven cohort. Mean
> ratings of valuing and task management decreased over the two years,
> while stability of mathematics motivation was moderate. Girls reported
> stronger anxiety, uncertain control and failure avoidance than boys,
> despite also reporting greater mastery focus. The findings demonstrate
> that a multidimensional model facilitates a differentiated analysis of
> possible reasons for a waning interest in mathematics.
> PY 2013
> VL 33
> IS 1
> BP 14
> EP 30
> ER
> PT J
> AU Sato, W
> Yoshikawa, S
> AF Sato, Wataru
> Yoshikawa, Sakiko
> TI Recognition Memory for Faces and Scenes
> AB Previous studies have suggested that face memory is unique; however,
> evidence is inconclusive. To further explore this issue, we investigated
> recognition memory for unfamiliar faces and scenes. Participants (n =
> 123) intentionally memorized the stimuli and then engaged in recognition
> tests. Recognition was measured following short (20 minutes) and long (3
> weeks) retention intervals. Encoding strategies and intelligence were
> also measured. Recognition memory performance for faces was higher than
> that for scenes at both short and long intervals; however, the effect of
> retention interval was different between faces and scenes. A
> relationship between encoding strategies and memory performance was
> found for scenes but not for faces. The relationship between
> intelligence and memory performance also differed between faces and
> scenes. These results suggest that memory for faces is more robust and
> uses different cognitive mechanisms than memory for scenes.
> PY 2013
> VL 140
> IS 1
> BP 1
> EP 15
> ER
> PT J
> AU McCormick, CM
> AF McCormick, Cheryl M.
> TI Watch Where and How You Stick Pins When Playing With Voodoo Correlations
> AB The author comments on the (mis?)portrayal of her research in an article
> by Brand and Bradley (2012).
> PY 2013
> VL 140
> IS 1
> BP 82
> EP 86
> ER
> PT J
> AU Boisvert, D
> Stadler, W
> Vaske, J
> Wright, JP
> Nelson, M
> AF Boisvert, Danielle
> Stadler, William
> Vaske, Jamie
> Wright, John P.
> Nelson, Matthew
> AB Low self-control has emerged as a strong predictor of criminal conduct
> and analogous behaviors. Questions remain, however, as to the origins of
> self-control. Whereas some argue it is a trait instilled solely through
> a process of parental socialization, more recent research has suggested
> the possibility that self-control is interconnected with many executive
> functions deriving from the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Using data
> from the Child Development Supplement of the Panel Study of Income
> Dynamics (N = 2,104), this study assesses the degree to which
> self-control is linked with intellectual achievement in childhood and
> adolescence. Results from Poisson regression analyses indicate that
> intellectual achievement is significantly related to variations in
> self-control, controlling for a variety of parenting measures; age,
> race, and gender; and previous levels of self-control. A discussion of
> the relationship between intellectual achievement and self-control is
> provided.
> PY 2013
> VL 40
> IS 1
> BP 80
> EP 94
> ER
> PT J
> AU Sorberg, A
> Allebeck, P
> Melin, B
> Gunnell, D
> Hemmingsson, T
> AF Sorberg, A.
> Allebeck, P.
> Melin, B.
> Gunnell, D.
> Hemmingsson, T.
> TI Cognitive ability in early adulthood is associated with later suicide
> and suicide attempt: the role of risk factors over the life course
> AB Background. Cognitive ability/intelligence quotient (IQ) in youth has
> previously been associated with subsequent completed and attempted
> suicide, but little is known about the mechanisms underlying the
> associations. This study aims to assess the roles of various risk
> factors over the life course in explaining the observed relationships.
> Method. The present investigation is a cohort study based on data on IQ
> test performance and covariates, recorded on 49 321 Swedish men
> conscripted in 1969-1970, at ages 18-20 years. Information on suicides
> and hospital admissions for suicide attempt up to the age of 57 years,
> childhood and adult socio-economic position, and adult family formation,
> was obtained from linkage to national registers.
> Results. Lower IQ was associated with increased risks of both suicide
> and suicide attempt during the 36 years of follow-up. The associations
> followed a dose-response pattern. They were attenuated by approximately
> 45% in models controlling for social background, mental ill-health,
> aspects of personality and behavior, adult socio-economic position and
> family formation. Based on one-unit decreases in IQ test performance on
> a nine-point scale, the hazard ratios between ages 35 and 57 years were:
> for suicide 1.19 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.13-1.25], fully
> adjusted 1.10 (95% CI 1.04-1.18); and for suicide attempt 1.25 (95% CI
> 1.20-1.31), fully adjusted 1.14 (95% CI 1.09-1.20).
> Conclusions. Cognitive ability was found to be associated with
> subsequent completed and attempted suicide. The associations were
> attenuated by 45% after controlling for risk factors measured over the
> life course. Psychiatric diagnosis, maladjustment and aspects of
> personality in young adulthood, and social circumstances in later
> adulthood, contributed in attenuating the associations.
> PY 2013
> VL 43
> IS 1
> BP 49
> EP 60
> ER
> PT J
> AU Li, FM
> Cohen, A
> Shen, LJ
> AF Li, Feiming
> Cohen, Allan
> Shen, Linjun
> TI Investigating the Effect of Item Position in Computer-Based Tests
> AB Computer-based tests (CBTs) often use random ordering of items in order
> to minimize item exposure and reduce the potential for answer copying.
> Little research has been done, however, to examine item position effects
> for these tests. In this study, different versions of a Rasch model and
> different response time models were examined and applied to data from a
> CBT administration of a medical licensure examination. The models
> specifically were used to investigate whether item position affected
> item difficulty and item intensity estimates. Results indicated that the
> position effect was negligible.
> PY 2012
> VL 49
> IS 4
> BP 362
> EP 379
> ER
> PT J
> AU Moses, T
> AF Moses, Tim
> TI Relationships of Measurement Error and Prediction Error in
> Observed-Score Regression
> AB The focus of this paper is assessing the impact of measurement errors on
> the prediction error of an observed-score regression. Measures are
> presented and described for decomposing the linear regression's
> prediction error variance into parts attributable to the true score
> variance and the error variances of the dependent variable and the
> predictor variable(s). These measures are demonstrated for regression
> situations reflecting a range of true score correlations and
> reliabilities and using one and two predictors. Simulation results also
> are presented which show that the measures of prediction error variance
> and its parts are generally well estimated for the considered ranges of
> true score correlations and reliabilities and for homoscedastic and
> heteroscedastic data. The final discussion considers how the
> decomposition might be useful for addressing additional questions about
> regression functions prediction error variances.
> PY 2012
> VL 49
> IS 4
> BP 380
> EP 398
> ER
> PT J
> AU Oh, H
> Moses, T
> AF Oh, Hyeonjoo
> Moses, Tim
> TI Comparison of the One- and Bi-Direction Chained Equipercentile Equating
> AB This study investigated differences between two approaches to chained
> equipercentile (CE) equating (one- and bi-direction CE equating) in
> nearly equal groups and relatively unequal groups. In one-direction CE
> equating, the new form is linked to the anchor in one sample of
> examinees and the anchor is linked to the reference form in the other
> sample. In bi-direction CE equating, the anchor is linked to the new
> form in one sample of examinees and to the reference form in the other
> sample. The two approaches were evaluated in comparison to a criterion
> equating function (i.e., equivalent groups equating) using indexes such
> as root expected squared difference, bias, standard error of equating,
> root mean squared error, and number of gaps and bumps. The overall
> results across the equating situations suggested that the two CE
> equating approaches produced very similar results, whereas the
> bi-direction results were slightly less erratic, smoother (i.e., fewer
> gaps and bumps), usually closer to the criterion function, and also less
> variable.
> PY 2012
> VL 49
> IS 4
> BP 399
> EP 418
> ER
> PT J
> AU Shang, Y
> AF Shang, Yi
> TI Measurement Error Adjustment Using the SIMEX Method: An Application to
> Student Growth Percentiles
> AB Growth models are used extensively in the context of educational
> accountability to evaluate student-, class-, and school-level growth.
> However, when error-prone test scores are used as independent variables
> or right-hand-side controls, the estimation of such growth models can be
> substantially biased. This article introduces a simulation-extrapolation
> (SIMEX) method that corrects measurement error induced bias. The SIMEX
> method is applied to quantile regression, which is the basis of Student
> Growth Percentile, a descriptive growth model adopted in a number of
> states to diagnose and project student growth. A simulation study is
> conducted to demonstrate the performance of the SIMEX method in reducing
> bias and mean squared error in quantile regression with a mismeasured
> predictor. One of the simulation cases is based on longitudinal state
> assessment data. The analysis shows that measurement error
> differentially biases growth percentile results for students at
> different achievement levels and that the SIMEX method corrects such
> biases and closely reproduces conditional distributions of current test
> scores given past true scores. The potential applications and
> limitations of the method are discussed at the end of this paper with
> suggestions for further studies.
> PY 2012
> VL 49
> IS 4
> BP 446
> EP 465
> ER
> PT J
> AU van der Linden, WJ
> Jeon, M
> Ferrara, S
> AF van der Linden, W. J.
> Jeon, M.
> Ferrara, S.
> TI A paradox in the study of the benefits of test-item review (vol 48, pg
> 380, 2011)
> PY 2012
> VL 49
> IS 4
> BP 466
> EP 466
> ER
> PT J
> AU Houston, KT
> Stredler-Brown, A
> Alverson, DC
> AF Houston, K. Todd
> Stredler-Brown, Arlene
> Alverson, Dale C.
> TI More Than 150 Years in the Making: The Evolution of Telepractice for
> Hearing, Speech, and Language Services
> AB For well over a century, individuals have sought new and efficient ways
> to communicate health-related information and provide medical services
> over distances. Often, this desire has sparked considerable innovation
> in technology and ushered in improved models of service delivery. Today,
> modern videoconferencing technology allows practitioners to have
> unbridled audio and video interactions in real time on a range of
> devices. For speech-language pathologists and audiologists, this allows
> an array of hearing, speech, and language services to be provided
> through models of telepractice. By fully understanding the past,
> practitioners can continue to shape the future and fully realize the
> potential of these service delivery models.
> PY 2012
> VL 112
> IS 3
> BP 195
> EP 205
> ER
> PT J
> AU Parnes, M
> Berger, A
> Tzelgov, J
> AF Parnes, Michael
> Berger, Andrea
> Tzelgov, Joseph
> TI Brain Representations of Negative Numbers
> AB Participants performed a physical comparison task of pairs of positive
> and pairs of negative one-digit numbers while their electrophysiological
> brain activity was measured. The numerical value of the presented digits
> was either congruent or incongruent with the physical size of the
> digits. Analysis has shown that the earliest event-related potential
> (ERP) difference between positive and negative numbers was found in the
> P300 ERP component peak, where there was an inverse effect of congruity
> in the negative pairs, compared with the positive ones. This pattern of
> results supports the idea that natural numbers serve as primitives of
> the human cognitive system, whereas negative numbers are apparently
> generated if needed.
> PY 2012
> VL 66
> IS 4
> BP 251
> EP 258
> ER
> PT J
> AU Silver, JM
> AF Silver, Jonathan M.
> TI Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Soldiers:
> Abnormal Findings, Uncertain Implications
> PY 2012
> VL 169
> IS 12
> BP 1230
> EP 1232
> ER
> PT J
> AU Di Simplicio, M
> McInerney, JE
> Goodwin, GM
> Attenburrow, MJ
> Holmes, EA
> AF Di Simplicio, Martina
> McInerney, Josephine E.
> Goodwin, Guy M.
> Attenburrow, Mary-Jane
> Holmes, Emily A.
> TI Revealing the Mind's Eye: Bringing (Mental) Images Into Psychiatry
> PY 2012
> VL 169
> IS 12
> BP 1245
> EP 1246
> ER
> PT J
> AU Westbrook, TR
> AF Westbrook, T'Pring R.
> TI Supporting optimal child development through Early Head Start and Head
> Start Programs: Secondary data analyses of FACES and EHSREP: An
> introduction
> PY 2012
> VL 27
> IS 4
> BP 571
> EP 571
> ER
> PT J
> AU Barton, LR
> Spiker, D
> Williamson, C
> AF Barton, Lauren R.
> Spiker, Donna
> Williamson, Cyndi
> TI Characterizing disability in Head Start programs: Not so clearcut
> AB Head Start programs are required to set aside at least 10% of program
> slots for children with disabilities, but the percentage of children
> with disabilities served varies depending on the criteria used and
> source of the information. This study used the Head Start Family and
> Child Experiences Survey (FACES) 2000 data for a nationally
> representative sample to identify subgroups of children meeting three
> different criteria for having a disability or developmental delay.
> Results indicated that about one-third of children in Head Start (33%)
> met one or more of the criteria for a disability or delay, about
> one-third of those children (33%) met criteria for two or for all three
> of the subgroups. However, only 8% of children in Head Start had an
> Individualized Education Program (IEP). Children with disabilities or
> delays, regardless of the subgroup criteria used, had higher levels of
> many other risk factors associated with poor developmental and school
> readiness outcomes. They also exhibited poorer performance on early
> literacy, social, and behavioral measures both at entry into Head Start
> and at the end of kindergarten compared with children not in each of
> those subgroups. Implications of the findings for screening and
> assessment, serving children in Head Start programs, and the need for
> linkages between Head Start programs and the preschool special education
> system are discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
> PY 2012
> VL 27
> IS 4
> BP 596
> EP 612
> ER
> PT J
> AU McWayne, CM
> Hahs-Vaughn, DL
> Cheung, K
> Wright, LEG
> AF McWayne, Christine M.
> Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie L.
> Cheung, Katherine
> Wright, Linnie E. Green
> TI National profiles of school readiness skills for Head Start children: An
> investigation of stability and change
> AB Among a nationally representative sample of 2336 Head Start children,
> patterns of school readiness were compared at the beginning and end of
> children's first preschool year, and predictors of stability and change
> across readiness profiles were examined. The present study documented
> that although the majority of children remain in a qualitatively similar
> school readiness profile across their first year in Head Start, 20% of
> children move to a qualitatively different profile over the school year,
> reflecting both improvements and declines in functioning. Child and
> family attributes (e.g., child age, ELL status, maternal education, and
> family structure), as well as contextual factors (e.g., teacher
> education and experience, parenting style, and parent involvement) were
> significant predictors of both profile stability and change. Given that
> we have little understanding about what factors practice or policy can
> manipulate to improve school readiness, these findings shed light on
> what we might do to promote school readiness and prevent declines in
> functioning over time. Thus, findings from this study provide a
> population- and pattern-based perspective of Head Start children's
> strengths and needs, relevant for informing both individual and systems
> level change in Head Start programs across the nation. (C) 2011 Elsevier
> Inc. All rights reserved.
> PY 2012
> VL 27
> IS 4
> BP 668
> EP 683
> ER
> PT J
> AU Lough, CL
> Rice, MS
> Lough, LG
> AF Lough, Christine L.
> Rice, Martin S.
> Lough, Larry G.
> TI Choice as a Strategy to Enhance Engagement in a Colouring Task in
> Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
> AB This study investigated the effect of choice on a colouring task in
> children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Children with ASD
> typically have difficulty engaging in purposeful activities, which makes
> progress toward skill development difficult in therapeutic or
> educational settings. Participants included 26 male and female children
> with ASD, aged 8 to 15?years. In this counterbalanced design,
> participants either chose which picture to colour or were given a
> picture to colour. When given a choice, participants spent more time
> colouring (p?=?0.005) and used more coloured markers (p?=?0.016), but
> did not colour more of the page (p?=?498). This study demonstrated that
> when offering a choice in a colouring activity, children with ASD
> participated and engaged in the colouring task for a longer period of
> time and used a larger array of markers while doing so. However,
> associated small effect sizes require caution with generalization.
> Future research should focus upon offering choice with other
> age-appropriate activities to determine its efficacy as a useful
> strategy for facilitating activity engagement for children with ASD.
> Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
> PY 2012
> VL 19
> IS 4
> BP 204
> EP 211
> ER
> PT J
> AU Burns, MS
> AF Burns, Martha S.
> TI New views into the science of educating children with autism
> PY 2012
> VL 94
> IS 4
> BP 8
> EP 11
> ER
> PT J
> AU Riley, MA
> Holden, JG
> AF Riley, Michael A.
> Holden, John G.
> TI Dynamics of cognition
> AB The application of dynamical systems methods and concepts to cognitive
> phenomena has broadened the range of testable hypotheses and theoretical
> narratives available to cognitive scientists. Most research in cognitive
> dynamics tests the degree to which observed cognitive performance is
> consistent with one or another core phenomena associated with complex
> dynamical systems, such as tests for phase transitions, coupling among
> processes, or scaling laws. Early applications of dynamical systems
> theory to perceptual-motor performance and developmental psychology
> paved the way for more recent applications of dynamical systems
> analyses, models, and theoretical concepts in areas such as learning,
> memory, speech perception, decision making, problem solving, and
> reading, among others. Reviews of the empirical results of both
> foundational and contemporary cognitive dynamics are provided. (C) 2012
> John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
> PY 2012
> VL 3
> IS 6
> BP 593
> EP 606
> ER
> PT J
> AU Honomichl, RD
> Chen, Z
> AF Honomichl, Ryan D.
> Chen, Zhe
> TI The role of guidance in children's discovery learning
> AB Discovery learning is an important, yet controversial topic in the
> fields of psychology, education, and cognitive science. Though
> traditional views emphasize a lack of instructional constraint or
> scaffolding, more recent evidence suggests that guidance should be
> included in the process of discovery learning. The present review
> summarizes three general approaches which have been shown to facilitate
> guided discovery learning: (1) strategic presentation of materials, (2)
> consequential feedback, and (3) probing questions and self-explanations.
> Techniques for implementing approaches are discussed, as well as the
> underlying mechanisms that contribute to their effectiveness. (C) 2012
> John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
> PY 2012
> VL 3
> IS 6
> BP 615
> EP 622
> ER
> PT J
> AU Mason, F
> AF Mason, Fiona
> TI Expert Psychiatric Evidence
> PY 2012
> VL 52
> IS 4
> BP 243
> EP 243
> ER
> PT J
> AU Gilson, LL
> Lim, HS
> D'Innocenzo, L
> Moye, N
> AF Gilson, Lucy L.
> Lim, Hyoun Sook
> D'Innocenzo, Lauren
> Moye, Neta
> TI One Size Does Not Fit All: Managing Radical and Incremental Creativity
> AB This research extends creativity theory by re-conceptualizing creativity
> as a two-dimensional construct (radical and incremental) and examining
> the differential effects of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic rewards, and
> supportive supervision on perceptions of creativity. We hypothesize and
> find two distinct types of creativity that are associated with different
> motivational factors. We further consider how combinations of
> motivational factors are linked to the different types of creativity.
> Finally, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
> PY 2012
> VL 46
> IS 3
> BP 168
> EP 191
> ER
> EF