Thursday, March 28, 2013

IQs Corner Google Scholar Alert 3-28-13

Scholar Alert: New citations to my articles

Teachers' Emotional Support Consistency Predicts Children's Achievement Gains and Social Skills

TW Curby, LL Brock, BK Hamre - Early Education & Development, 2013
Research Findings: It is widely acknowledged that consistent, high-quality teacher–student
interactions promote optimal developmental outcomes for children. Previous research on the
quality of teacher–student interactions provides empirical support for this premise. Little ...

Intelligent Testing with Wechsler's Fourth Editions:: Perspectives on the Weiss et al. Studies and the Eight Commentaries

AS Kaufman - Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 2013
Abstract The two featured articles and eight commentaries on the WISC-IV (Wechsler, 2003)
and WAIS-IV (Wechsler, 2008) in this special issue of Journal of Psychoeducational
Assessment are of exceptional quality. As a collective, this special issue greatly advances ...

Effects of Patterning Instruction on the Academic Achievement of 1st-Grade Children

JK Kidd, AG Carlson, KM Gadzichowski, CE Boyer… - Journal of Research in …, 2013
A test of the effectiveness of patterning instruction was conducted with 140 first-graders.
First, 383 first-graders from 20 classes were screened on a patterning test. The eight in each
class who scored worst were given individual 15-minute lessons on patterning or reading ...

The science of intelligence testing: Commentary on the evolving nature of interpretations of the Wechsler scales

S Goldstein - Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 2013
Abstract Intelligence has been defined in multiple ways throughout history. In the last 100
years a psychometric approach to define the concept of intelligence has come to dominate
the concept. This Commentary provides a brief overview of the history and concepts of ...

WAIS-IV and clinical validation of the four-and five-factor interpretative approaches

LG Weiss, TZ Keith, J Zhu, H Chen - Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 2013
Abstract The fourth edition of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) is a revised
and substantially updated version of its predecessor. The purposes of this research were to
determine the constructs measured by the test and the consistency of measurement ...