Title:The development of creative cognition across adolescence: distinct trajectories for insight and divergent thinkingAuthors:Kleibeuker, SW; De Dreu, CKW; Crone, EASource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):2-12; JAN 2013 Abstract:We examined developmental trajectories of creative cognition acrossadolescence. Participants (N = 98), divided into four age groups (12/13yrs, 15/16 yrs, 18/19 yrs, and 25-30 yrs), were subjected to a batteryof tasks gauging creative insight (visual; verbal) and divergentthinking (verbal; visuo-spatial). The two older age groups outperformedthe two younger age groups on insight tasks. The 25-30-year-oldsoutperformed the two youngest age groups on the originality measure ofverbal divergent thinking. No age-group differences were observed forverbal divergent thinking fluency and flexibility. On divergent thinkingin the visuo-spatial domain, however, only 15/16-year-olds outperformed12/13-year-olds; a model with peak performance for 15/16-years-oldshowed the best fit. The results for the different creativity processesare discussed in relation to cognitive and related neurobiologicalmodels. We conclude that mid-adolescence is a period of not onlyimmaturities but also of creative potentials in the visuo-spatialdomain, possibly related to developing control functions and explorativebehavior.========================================================================*Pages: 13-23 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300002*Order Full Text [ ]Title:The COMT Val/Met polymorphism is associated with reading-related skills and consistent patterns of functional neural activationAuthors:Landi, N; Frost, SJ; Mencl, WE; Preston, JL; Jacobsen, LK; Lee, M;Yrigollen, C; Pugh, KR; Grigorenko, ELSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):13-23; JAN 2013 Abstract:In both children and adults there is large variability in reading skill,with approximately 5-10% of individuals characterized as having readingdisability; these individuals struggle to learn to read despite adequateintelligence and opportunity. Although it is well established that asubstantial portion of this variability is attributed to the geneticdifferences between individuals, specifics of the connections betweenreading and the genome are not understood. This article presents datathat suggest that variation in the COMT gene, which has previously beenassociated with variation in higher-order cognition, is associated withreading and reading-related skills, at the level of both brain andbehavior. In particular, we found that the COMT Val/Met polymorphism atrs4680, which results in the substitution of the ancestral Valine (Val)by Methionine (Met), was associated with better performance on a numberof critical reading measures and with patterns of functional neuralactivation that have been linked to better readers. We argue that thispolymorphism, known for its broad effects on cognition, may modulate(likely through frontal lobe function) reading skill.========================================================================*Pages: 24-34 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300003*Order Full Text [ ]Title:(Non)words, (non)words, (non)words: evidence for a protolexicon during the first year of lifeAuthors:Ngon, C; Martin, A; Dupoux, E; Cabrol, D; Dutat, M; Peperkamp, SSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):24-34; JAN 2013 Abstract:Previous research with artificial language learning paradigms has shownthat infants are sensitive to statistical cues to word boundaries(Saffran, Aslin & Newport, 1996) and that they can use these cues toextract word-like units (Saffran, 2001). However, it is unknown whetherinfants use statistical information to construct a receptive lexiconwhen acquiring their native language. In order to investigate thisissue, we rely on the fact that besides real words a statisticalalgorithm extracts sound sequences that are highly frequent ininfant-directed speech but constitute nonwords. In three experiments, weuse a preferential listening paradigm to test French-learning11-month-old infants' recognition of highly frequent disyllabicsequences from their native language. In Experiments 1 and 2, we usenonword stimuli and find that infants listen longer to high-frequencythan to low-frequency sequences. In Experiment 3, we comparehigh-frequency nonwords to real words in the same frequency range, andfind that infants show no preference. Thus, at 11 months,French-learning infants recognize highly frequent sound sequences fromtheir native language and fail to differentiate between words andnonwords among these sequences. These results are evidence that theyhave used statistical information to extract word candidates from theirinput and stored them in a 'protolexicon', containing both words andnonwords.========================================================================*Pages: 35-46 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300004*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Do subitizing deficits in developmental dyscalculia involve pattern recognition weakness?Authors:Ashkenazi, S; Mark-Zigdon, N; Henik, ASource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):35-46; JAN 2013 Abstract:The abilities of children diagnosed with developmental dyscalculia (DD)were examined in two types of object enumeration: subitizing, and smallestimation (5-9 dots). Subitizing is usually defined as a fast andaccurate assessment of a number of small dots (range 1 to 4 dots), andestimation is an imprecise process to assess a large number of items(range 5 dots or more). Based on reaction time (RT) and accuracyanalysis, our results indicated a deficit in the subitizing and smallestimation range among DD participants in relation to controls. Thereare indications that subitizing is based on pattern recognition, thuspresenting dots in a canonical shape in the estimation range shouldresult in a subitizing-like pattern. In line with this theory, ourcontrol group presented a subitizing-like pattern in the smallestimation range for canonically arranged dots, whereas the DDparticipants presented a deficit in the estimation of canonicallyarranged dots. The present finding indicates that pattern recognitiondifficulties may play a significant role in both subitizing andsubitizing deficits among those with DD.========================================================================*Pages: 47-55 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300005*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Minimal-group membership influences children's responses to novel experience with group membersAuthors:Schug, MG; Shusterman, A; Barth, H; Patalano, ALSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):47-55; JAN 2013 Abstract:Children, like adults, tend to prefer ingroup over outgroup individuals,but how this group bias affects children's processing of informationabout social groups is not well understood. In this study, 5- and6-year-old children were assigned to artificial groups. They observedinstances of ingroup and outgroup members behaving in either a positive(egalitarian) or a negative (stingy) manner. Observations of positiveingroup and negative outgroup behaviors reliably reduced children'sliking of novel outgroup members, while observations of negative ingroupand positive outgroup behaviors had little effect on liking ratings. Inaddition, children successfully identified the more generous group onlywhen the ingroup was egalitarian and the outgroup stingy. These dataprovide compelling evidence that children treat knowledge of andexperiences with ingroups and outgroups differently, and therebydifferently interpret identical observations of ingroup versus outgroupmembers.========================================================================*Pages: 56-66 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300006*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Deficits in volitional oculomotor control align with language status in autism spectrum disordersAuthors:Kelly, DJ; Walker, R; Norbury, CFSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):56-66; JAN 2013 Abstract:Eye-tracking paradigms are increasingly used to investigate higher-levelsocial and cognitive processing in autism spectrum disorder (ASD).However, the integrity of the oculomotor system within ASD is unclear,with contradictory reports of aberrant eye-movements on basic oculomotortasks. The purpose of the current study was to determine whetherreducing population heterogeneity and distinguishing neurocognitivephenotypes can clarify discrepancies in oculomotor behaviour evident inprevious reports. Reflexive and volitional eye-movement control wasassessed in 73 children aged 8-14 years from four distinct groups:Autism Language Normal (ALN), Autism Language Impaired (ALI),non-autistic Language Impaired (LI) and Typically Developing (TD).Eye-movement control was measured using pro-and antisaccade tasks and anovel 'search distracter' task to measure distractibility. Reflexiveeye-movements were equivalent across groups, but deficits in volitionaleye-movement control were found that aligned with language status, andwere not specific to ASD. More than 80% of ALI and LI children presentederror rates at least 1.5 SDs below the TD mean in an antisaccade task.In the search distracter task, 35.29% of ALI children and 43.75% of LIchildren had error rates greater than 1.5 SDs compared with 17.64% ofALN children. A significant proportion of children withneurodevelopmental disorders involving language function have pronounceddifficulties suppressing reflexive saccades and maintaining fixations inthe presence of competing stimuli. We extend the putative link betweenALI and LI populations to non-language tasks, and highlight the need toaccount for co-morbidity in understanding the ontogenesis of ASD.========================================================================*Pages: 67-83 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300007*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Later language development in narratives in children with perinatal strokeAuthors:Reilly, JS; Wasserman, S; Appelbaum, MSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):67-83; JAN 2013 Abstract:Studies of young children with unilateral perinatal stroke (PS) haveconfirmed the plasticity of the developing brain for acquiring language.While recent studies of typically developing children have demonstratedthe significant development of language well into adolescence, we knowlittle regarding the course of language development in the PS group asthey mature. Will children with PS continue to show the same remarkableplasticity that they exhibited at younger ages? In the present paper weinvestigate later language and discourse in children with perinatalstroke (ages 7-16) using spoken personal narrative as the discoursecontext. In contrast to the findings of the discourse studies of youngerchildren with PS, children with left hemisphere lesions made moremorphological errors, used less complex syntax and fewer syntactic typesthan controls; they also produced more impoverished story settings. Incontrast, those with right hemisphere lesions performed comparably tocontrols, except in their impoverished use of complex syntax. Thefindings provide insight into the nature of later spoken languagedevelopment in these children, revealing both the nature and extent ofneuroplasticity for language as well as potential regional biases.========================================================================*Pages: 84-90 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300008*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Fearlessness in juvenile offenders is associated with offending rateAuthors:Syngelaki, EM; Fairchild, G; Moore, SC; Savage, JC; van Goozen, SHMSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):84-90; JAN 2013 Abstract:Poor fear conditioning is a correlate of violent offending in adults,but there is no evidence concerning juvenile offenders. Our aim was tocompare emotional learning in juvenile offenders and controls andestablish whether crime rate is related to seriousness of emotionallearning problems. To this end, emotional learning was assessed in 42juvenile offenders by measuring skin conductance responding (SCR) duringfear conditioning. Compared to controls, juvenile offenders showed lowerconditioned SCRs to visual stimuli associated with a subsequent aversivestimulus and the magnitude of the SCR during fear acquisition wasinversely associated with the number of their recorded offences. Thesefindings suggest that juvenile offenders have impairments in the neuralsystems that subserve emotional learning. The implication is that usingpunitive measures to control persistent offenders is unlikely to beeffective in an identifiable group of juvenile offenders.========================================================================*Pages: 91-100 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300009*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Getting the closer object? An information-based dissociation between vision for perception and vision for movement in early infancyAuthors:van Wermeskerken, M; van der Kamp, J; Savelsbergh, GJP; von Hofsten, CSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):91-100; JAN 2013 Abstract:In human adults two functionally and neuro-anatomically separate systemsexist for the use of visual information in perception and the use ofvisual information to control movements (Milner & Goodale, 1995, 2008).We investigated whether this separation is already functioning in theearly stages of the development of reaching. To this end, 6- and7-month-old infants were presented with two identical objects atidentical distances in front of an illusory Ponzo-like background thatmade them appear to be located at different distances. In two furtherconditions without the illusory background, the two objects werepresented at physically different distances. Preferential reachingoutcomes indicated that the allocentric distance information containedin the illusory background affected the perception of object distance.Yet, infants' reaching kinematics were only affected by the objects'physical distance and not by the perceptual distance manipulation. Thesefindings were taken as evidence for the two-visual systems, as proposedby Milner and Goodale (2008), being functional in early infancy. Wediscuss the wider implications of this early dissociation.========================================================================*Pages: 101-110 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300010*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Speech-evoked auditory brainstem responses reflect familial and cognitive influencesAuthors:Hornickel, J; Lin, D; Kraus, NSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):101-110; JAN 2013 Abstract:Cortical function and related cognitive, language, and communicationskills are genetically influenced. The auditory brainstem response tospeech is linked to language skill, reading ability, cognitive skills,and speech-in-noise perception; however, the impact of shared geneticand environmental factors on the response has not been investigated. Weassessed auditory brainstem responses to speech presented in quiet andbackground noise from (1) 23 pairs of same sex, same learning diagnosissiblings (Siblings), (2) 23 unrelated children matched on age, sex, IQ,and reading ability to one of the siblings (Reading-Matched), and (3) 22pairs of unrelated children matched on age and sex but not on readingability to the same sibling (Age/Sex-Matched). By quantifying responsesimilarity as the intersubject response-to-response correlation forsibling pairs, reading-matched pairs, and age-and sex-matched pairs, wefound that siblings had more similar responses than age-and sex-matchedpairs and reading-matched pairs. Similarity of responses betweensiblings was as high as the similarity of responses collected from anindividual over the course of the recording session. Responses fromunrelated children matched on reading were more similar than responsesfrom unrelated children matched only on age and sex, supporting previousdata linking variations in auditory brainstem activity with variationsin reading ability. These results suggest that auditory brainstemfunction can be influenced by siblingship and auditory-basedcommunication skills such as reading, motivating the use ofspeech-evoked auditory brainstem responses for assessing risk of readingand communication impairments in family members.========================================================================*Pages: 111-115 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300011*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Language is not necessary for color categoriesAuthors:Ozturk, O; Shayan, S; Liszkowski, U; Majid, ASource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):111-115; JAN 2013 Abstract:The origin of color categories is under debate. Some researchers arguethat color categories are linguistically constructed, while others claimthey have a pre-linguistic, and possibly even innate, basis. Althoughthere is some evidence that 4-6-month-old infants respond categoricallyto color, these empirical results have been challenged in recent years.First, it has been claimed that previous demonstrations of colorcategories in infants may reflect color preferences instead. Second, andmore seriously, other labs have reported failing to replicate the basicfindings at all. In the current study we used eye-tracking to test8-month-old infants' categorical perception of a previously attestedcolor boundary (green-blue) and an additional color boundary(blue-purple). Our results show that infants are faster and moreaccurate at fixating targets when they come from a different colorcategory than when from the same category (even though the chromaticseparation sizes were equated). This is the case for both blue-green andblue-purple. Our findings provide independent evidence for the existenceof color categories in pre-linguistic infants, and suggest thatcategorical perception of color can occur without color language.========================================================================*Pages: 116-123 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300012*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Atypical updating of face representations with experience in children with autismAuthors:Ewing, L; Pellicano, E; Rhodes, GSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):116-123; JAN 2013 Abstract:Face identity aftereffects are significantly diminished in children withautism relative to typical children, which may reflect reducedperceptual updating with experience. Here, we investigated whether thisatypicality also extends to non-face stimulus categories, which mightsignal a pervasive visual processing difference in individuals withautism. We used a figural aftereffect task to measure directlyperceptual updating following exposure to distorted upright faces,inverted faces and cars, in typical children and children with autism. Asize-change between study and test stimuli limited the likelihood thatany processing atypicalities reflected group differences in adaptationto low-level features of the stimuli. Results indicated that, relativeto typical children, figural aftereffects for upright faces, but notinverted faces or cars, were significantly attenuated in children withautism. Moreover, the group difference was amplified when we isolatedthe 'face-selective' component of the aftereffect, by partialling outthe mid-level shape adaptation common to upright and inverted facestimuli. Notably, the aftereffects of typical children weredisproportionately larger for upright faces than for inverted faces andcars, but the magnitude of aftereffects of autistic children was notsimilarly modulated according to stimulus category. These findings areinconsistent with a pervasive adaptive coding atypicality relative totypical children, and suggest that reduced perceptual updating mayconstitute a high-level, and possibly face-selective, visual processingdifference in children with autism.========================================================================*Pages: 124-135 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300013*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Environmental contributions to preschoolers' semantic fluencyAuthors:Kave, G; Shalmon, M; Knafo, ASource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):124-135; JAN 2013 Abstract:Semantic fluency was examined in Hebrew-speaking 5-year-old monozygoticand dizygotic twins (N = 396, 198 pairs), 22% of them withmother-reported speech-related problems. There were positivecorrelations of similar magnitudes among monozygotic, same-sexdizygotic, and opposite-sex dizygotic twins. Analyses showed no geneticeffects, alongside significant shared (39%) and non-shared environmental(61%) effects on fluency scores. The presence of speech-related problemsin one twin affected the fluency score of the co-twin. A multivariateregression analysis revealed that parental education and length of stayat daycare significantly predicted fluency scores. We suggest thatsemantic fluency performance is highly affected by environmental factorsat age 5 although genetic effects might emerge later on.========================================================================*Pages: 136-148 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315383300014*Order Full Text [ ]Title:ANS acuity and mathematics ability in preschoolers from low-income homes: contributions of inhibitory controlAuthors:Fuhs, MW; McNeil, NMSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (1):136-148; JAN 2013 Abstract:Recent findings by Libertus, Feigenson, and Halberda (2011) suggest thatthere is an association between the acuity of young children'sapproximate number system (ANS) and their mathematics ability beforeexposure to instruction in formal schooling. The present study examinedthe generalizability and validity of these findings in a sample ofpreschoolers from low-income homes. Children attending Head Start (N =103) completed measures to assess ANS acuity, mathematics ability,receptive vocabulary, and inhibitory control. Results showed only a weakassociation between ANS acuity and mathematics ability that was reducedto non-significance when controlling for a direct measure of receptivevocabulary. Results also revealed that inhibitory control plays animportant role in the relation between ANS acuity and mathematicsability. Specifically, ANS acuity accounted for significant variance inmathematics ability over and above receptive vocabulary, but only forANS acuity trials in which surface area conflicted with numerosity.Moreover, this association became non-significant when controlling forinhibitory control. These results suggest that early mathematicalexperiences prior to formal schooling may influence the strength of theassociation between ANS acuity and mathematics ability and thatinhibitory control may drive that association in young children.========================================================================*Pages: 149-158 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700001*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Probabilistic cue combination: less is moreAuthors:Yurovsky, D; Boyer, TW; Smith, LB; Yu, CSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):149-158; MAR 2013 Abstract:Learning about the structure of the world requires learningprobabilistic relationships: rules in which cues do not predict outcomeswith certainty. However, in some cases, the ability to trackprobabilistic relationships is a handicap, leading adults to performnon-normatively in prediction tasks. For example, in the dilutioneffect, predictions made from the combination of two cues of differentstrengths are less accurate than those made from the stronger cue alone.Here we show that dilution is an adult problem; 11-month-old infantscombine strong and weak predictors normatively. These results extend andadd support for the less is more hypothesis: limited cognitive resourcescan lead children to represent probabilistic information differentlyfrom adults, and this difference in representation can have importantdownstream consequences for prediction.========================================================================*Pages: 159-172 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700002*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Developmental trends in auditory processing can provide early predictions of language acquisition in young infantsAuthors:Chonchaiya, W; Tardif, T; Mai, XQ; Xu, L; Li, MY; Kaciroti, N; Kileny,PR; Shao, J; Lozoff, BSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):159-172; MAR 2013 Abstract:Auditory processing capabilities at the subcortical level have beenhypothesized to impact an individual's development of both language andreading abilities. The present study examined whether auditoryprocessing capabilities relate to language development in healthy9-month-old infants. Participants were 71 infants (31 boys and 40 girls)with both Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) and language assessments. At6weeks and/or 9months of age, the infants underwent ABR testing usingboth a standard hearing screening protocol with 30 dB clicks and asecond protocol using click pairs separated by 8, 16, and 64-msintervals presented at 80 dB. We evaluated the effects of intervalduration on ABR latency and amplitude elicited by the second click. At9months, language development was assessed via parent report on theChinese Communicative Development Inventory - Putonghua version(CCDI-P). Wave V latency z-scores of the 64-ms condition at 6weeksshowed strong direct relationships with Wave V latency in the samecondition at 9months. More importantly, shorter Wave V latencies at9months showed strong relationships with the CCDI-P composite consistingof phrases understood, gestures, and words produced. Likewise, infantswho had greater decreases in Wave V latencies from 6weeks to 9months hadhigher CCDI-P composite scores. Females had higher language developmentscores and shorter Wave V latencies at both ages than males.Interestingly, when the ABR Wave V latencies at both ages were takeninto account, the direct effects of gender on language disappeared. Inconclusion, these results support the importance of low-level auditoryprocessing capabilities for early language acquisition in a populationof typically developing young infants. Moreover, the auditory brainstemresponse in this paradigm shows promise as an electrophysiologicalmarker to predict individual differences in language development inyoung children.========================================================================*Pages: 173-185 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700003*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Infants' mu suppression during the observation of real and mimicked goal-directed actionsAuthors:Warreyn, P; Ruysschaert, L; Wiersema, JR; Handl, A; Pattyn, G; Roeyers,HSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):173-185; MAR 2013 Abstract:Since their discovery in the early 1990s, mirror neurons have beenproposed to be related to many social-communicative abilities, such asimitation. However, research into the early manifestations of theputative neural mirroring system and its role in early socialdevelopment is still inconclusive. In the current EEG study, musuppression, generally thought to reflect activity in neural mirroringsystems was investigated in 18- to 30-month-olds during the observationof object manipulations as well as mimicked actions. EEG power datarecorded from frontal, central, and parietal electrodes were analysed.As predicted, based on previous research, mu wave suppression was foundover central electrodes during action observation and execution. Inaddition, a similar suppression was found during the observation ofintransitive, mimicked hand movements. To a lesser extent, the resultsalso showed mu suppression at parietal electrode sites, over all threeconditions. Mu wave suppression during the observation of hand movementsand during the execution of actions was significantly correlated withquality of imitation, but not with age or language level.========================================================================*Pages: 186-197 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700004*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Frontolimbic neural circuitry at 6months predicts individual differences in joint attention at 9monthsAuthors:Elison, JT; Wolff, JJ; Heimer, DC; Paterson, SJ; Gu, HB; Hazlett, HC;Styner, M; Gerig, G; Piven, JSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):186-197; MAR 2013 Abstract:Elucidating the neural basis of joint attention in infancy promises toyield important insights into the development of language and socialcognition, and directly informs developmental models of autism. Wedescribe a new method for evaluating responding to joint attentionperformance in infancy that highlights the 9- to 10-month period as atime interval of maximal individual differences. We then demonstratethat fractional anisotropy in the right uncinate fasciculus, a whitematter fiber bundle connecting the amygdala to the ventral-medialprefrontal cortex and anterior temporal pole, measured in 6-month-oldspredicts individual differences in responding to joint attention at9months of age. The white matter microstructure of the right uncinatewas not related to receptive language ability at 9months. These findingssuggest that the development of core nonverbal social communicationskills in infancy is largely supported by preceding developments withinright lateralized frontotemporal brain systems.========================================================================*Pages: 198-208 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700005*Order Full Text [ ]Title:EastWest cultural differences in context-sensitivity are evident in early childhoodAuthors:Imada, T; Carlson, SM; Itakura, SSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):198-208; MAR 2013 Abstract:Accumulating evidence suggests that North Americans tend to focus oncentral objects whereas East Asians tend to pay more attention tocontextual information in a visual scene. Although it is generallybelieved that such culturally divergent attention tendencies developthrough socialization, existing evidence largely depends on adultsamples. Moreover, no past research has investigated the relationbetween context-sensitivity and other domains of cognitive development.The present study examined children in the United States and Japan(N=175, age 49years) to investigate the developmental pattern incontext-sensitivity and its relation to executive function. The studyfound that context-sensitivity increased with age across cultures.Nevertheless, Japanese children showed significantly greatercontext-sensitivity than American children. Also, context-sensitivityfully mediated the cultural difference in a set-shifting executivefunction task, which might help explain past findings that East Asianchildren outperformed their American counterparts on executive function.========================================================================*Pages: 209-226 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700006*Order Full Text [ ]Title:The mentalistic basis of core social cognition: experiments in preverbal infants and a computational modelAuthors:Hamlin, JK; Ullman, T; Tenenbaum, J; Goodman, N; Baker, CSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):209-226; MAR 2013 Abstract:Evaluating individuals based on their pro- and anti-social behaviors isfundamental to successful human interaction. Recent research suggeststhat even preverbal infants engage in social evaluation; however, itremains an open question whether infants' judgments are driven uniquelyby an analysis of the mental states that motivate others' helpful andunhelpful actions, or whether non-mentalistic inferences are at play.Here we present evidence from 10-month-olds, motivated and supported bya Bayesian computational model, for mentalistic social evaluation in thefirst year of life.A video abstract of this article can be viewed at*Pages: 227-233 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700007*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Perception of the motion trajectory of objects from moving cast shadows in infant Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)Authors:Imura, T; Adachi, I; Hattori, Y; Tomonaga, MSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):227-233; MAR 2013 Abstract:The shadows cast by moving objects enable human adults and infants toinfer the motion trajectories of objects. Nonhuman animals must also beable to discriminate between objects and their shadows and infer thespatial layout of objects from cast shadows. However, the evolutionaryand comparative developmental origins of sensitivity to cast shadowshave not been investigated. In this study, we used a familiarity/noveltypreferential looking procedure to assess the ability of infant macaques,aged 724weeks, to discriminate between a depth' display containing aball and cast shadow moving diagonally and an up' display containing aball with a diagonal trajectory and a shadow with a horizontaltrajectory. The infant macaques could discriminate the trajectories ofthe balls based on the moving shadows. These findings suggest that theability to perceive the motion trajectory of an object from the movingshadow is common to both humans and macaques.========================================================================*Pages: 234-248 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700008*Order Full Text [ ]Title:SES differences in language processing skill and vocabulary are evident at 18monthsAuthors:Fernald, A; Marchman, VA; Weisleder, ASource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):234-248; MAR 2013 Abstract:This research revealed both similarities and striking differences inearly language proficiency among infants from a broad range ofadvantaged and disadvantaged families. English-learning infants (n=48)were followed longitudinally from 18 to 24months, using real-timemeasures of spoken language processing. The first goal was to trackdevelopmental changes in processing efficiency in relation to vocabularylearning in this diverse sample. The second goal was to examinedifferences in these crucial aspects of early language development inrelation to family socioeconomic status (SES). The most importantfindings were that significant disparities in vocabulary and languageprocessing efficiency were already evident at 18months between infantsfrom higher- and lower-SES families, and by 24months there was a 6-monthgap between SES groups in processing skills critical to languagedevelopment.========================================================================*Pages: 249-259 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700009*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Bidirectional influences between maternal parenting and children's peer problems: a longitudinal monozygotic twin difference studyAuthors:Yamagata, S; Takahashi, Y; Ozaki, K; Fujisawa, KK; Nonaka, K; Ando, JSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):249-259; MAR 2013 Abstract:This twin study examined the bidirectional relationship between maternalparenting behaviors and children's peer problems that were notconfounded by genetic and family environmental factors. Mothers of 259monozygotic twin pairs reported parenting behaviors and peer problemswhen twins were 42 and 48months. Path analyses on monozygotic twindifference scores revealed that authoritative parenting (the presence ofconsistent discipline and lack of harsh parenting) and peer problemssimultaneously influenced each other. Authoritative parenting reducedpeer problems, and peer problems increased authoritative parenting.Neither consistent discipline nor harsh parenting alone was associatedwith peer problems. These results suggest that maternal authoritativeparenting works protectively in regard to children's peer problems, andpeer problems can evoke such effective parenting.========================================================================*Pages: 260-268 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700010*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Generalist genes and cognitive abilities in Chinese twinsAuthors:Chow, BWY; Ho, CSH; Wong, SWL; Waye, MMY; Bishop, DVMSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):260-268; MAR 2013 Abstract:This study considered how far nonverbal cognitive, language and readingabilities are affected by common genetic influences in a sample of 312typically developing Chinese twin pairs aged from 3 to 11years. Childrenwere individually given tasks of Chinese word reading, receptivevocabulary, phonological memory, tone awareness, syllable and rhymeawareness, rapid automatized naming, morphological awareness andorthographic skills, and Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices. Factoranalyses on the verbal tasks adjusted for age indicated two factors:Language as the first factor and Reading as the second factor.Univariate genetic analyses indicated that genetic influences weresubstantial for nonverbal cognitive ability and moderate for languageand reading. Multivariate genetic analyses showed that nonverbalcognitive ability, language and reading were influenced by sharedgenetic origins, although there were specific genetic influences onverbal skills that were distinct from those on nonverbal cognitiveability. This study extends the Generalist Genes Hypothesis to Chineselanguage and reading skills, suggesting that the general effects ofgenes could be universal across languages.========================================================================*Pages: 269-286 (Review)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700011*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Speed isn't everything: complex processing speed measures mask individual differences and developmental changes in executive controlAuthors:Cepeda, NJ; Blackwell, KA; Munakata, YSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):269-286; MAR 2013 Abstract:The rate at which people process information appears to influence manyaspects of cognition across the lifespan. However, many commonlyaccepted measures of processing speed' may require goal maintenance,manipulation of information in working memory, and decision-making,blurring the distinction between processing speed and executive controland resulting in overestimation of processing speed contributions tocognition. This concern may apply particularly to studies ofdevelopmental change, as even seemingly simple processing speed measuresmay require executive processes to keep children and older adults ontask. We report two new studies and a re-analysis of a published study,testing predictions about how different processing speed measuresinfluence conclusions about executive control across the lifespan. Wefind that the choice of processing speed measure affects therelationship observed between processing speed and executive control, ina manner that changes with age, and that choice of processing speedmeasure affects conclusions about development and the relationship amongexecutive control measures. Implications for understanding processingspeed, executive control, and their development are discussed.========================================================================*Pages: 287-295 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700012*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Auditory habituation in the fetus and neonate: an fMEG studyAuthors:Muenssinger, J; Matuz, T; Schleger, F; Kiefer-Schmidt, I; Goelz, R;Wacker-Gussmann, A; Birbaumer, N; Preissl, HSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):287-295; MAR 2013 Abstract:Habituation the most basic form of learning is used to evaluate centralnervous system (CNS) maturation and to detect abnormalities in fetalbrain development. In the current study, habituation, stimulusspecificity and dishabituation of auditory evoked responses weremeasured in fetuses and newborns using fetal magnetoencephalography(fMEG). An auditory habituation paradigm consisting of 100 trains offive 500Hz tones, one 750Hz tone (dishabituator) and two more 500Hztones, respectively, were presented to 41 fetuses (gestational age3039weeks) and 22 newborns or babies (age 689days). Aresponse decrementbetween the first and fifth tones (habituation), an increment betweenthe fifth tone and the dishabituator (stimulus specificity) and anincrement between the fifth (last tone before the dishabituator) andseventh tones (first tone after the dishabituator) (dishabituation) wereexpected. Fetuses showed weak responses to the first tone. However, asignificant response decrement between the second and fifth tones(habituation) and a significant increment between the fifth tone and thedishabituator (stimulus specificity) were found. No significantdifference was found for dishabituation nor was a developmental trendfound at the group level. From the neonatal data, significant values forstimulus specificity were found. Sensory fatigue or adaptation was ruledout as a reason for the response decrement due to the strong reactionsto the dishabituator. Taken together, the current study used fMEG todirectly show fetal habituation and provides evidence of fetal learningin the last trimester of pregnancy.========================================================================*Pages: 296-313 (Review)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700013*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Target Article with Commentaries: Developmental niche constructionAuthors:Flynn, EG; Laland, KN; Kendal, RL; Kendal, JRSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):296-313; MAR 2013 Abstract:Niche construction is the modification of components of the environmentthrough an organism's activities. Humans modify their environmentsmainly through ontogenetic and cultural processes, and it is thisreliance on learning, plasticity and culture that lends human nicheconstruction a special potency. In this paper we aim to facilitatediscussion between researchers interested in niche construction andthose interested in human cognitive development by highlighting some ofthe related processes. We discuss the transmission of culturallyrelevant information, how the human mind is a symbol-generating andartefact-devising system, and how these processes are bi-directional,with infants and children both being directed, and directing, their owndevelopment. We reflect on these in the light of four approaches:natural pedagogy, activity theory, distributed cognition and situatedlearning. Throughout, we highlight pertinent examples in non-humans thatparallel or further explicate the processes discussed. Finally we offerthree future directions; two involving the use of new techniques in therealms of neuroscience and modelling, and the third suggestingexploration of changes in the effects of niche construction across thelifespan.========================================================================*Pages: 314-316 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700014*Order Full Text [ ]Title:On hermit crabs and humansAuthors:Thomas, MSCSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):314-316; MAR 2013 ========================================================================*Pages: 317-319 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700015*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Lifespan development of neuromodulation of adaptive control and motivation as an ontogenetic mechanism for developmental niche constructionAuthors:Li, SCSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):317-319; MAR 2013 ========================================================================*Pages: 320-321 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700016*Order Full Text [ ]Title:NCT and developmental psychology: a welcome rapprochementAuthors:Gauvain, MSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):320-321; MAR 2013 ========================================================================*Pages: 322-323 (Article)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700017*Order Full Text [ ]Title:NCT and culture-conscious developmental science The Laboratory of Comparative Human CognitionAuthors:Downing-Wilson, D; Pelaprat, E; Rosero, I; Vadeboncoeur, J; Packer, M;Cole, MSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):322-323; MAR 2013 ========================================================================*Pages: 324-324 (Correction)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700018*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Information from multiple modalities helps 5-month-olds learn abstract rules (vol 12, pg 504, 2009)Authors:Frank, MC; Slemmer, JA; Marcus, GF; Johnson, SPSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):324-324; MAR 2013 ========================================================================*Pages: 325-325 (Correction)*View Full Record:;KeyUT=CCC:000315384700019*Order Full Text [ ]Title:Whats mine is mine: twelve-month-olds use possessive pronouns to identify referents (vol 14, pg 859, 2011)Authors:Saylor, MM; Ganea, PA; Vazquez, MDSource:*DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE*, 16 (2):325-325; MAR 2013 ======================================================================== *Order Full Text* All Customers-------------- Please contact your library administrator, or person(s) responsible for document delivery, to find out more about your organization.s policy for obtaining the full text of the above articles. 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