Monday, June 17, 2013

Top 5 Quotes from The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness (and free chapter) [feedly]

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Top 5 Quotes from The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness (and free chapter)

amazon_kindleAs a book co-author it is always a pleasure, and a surprise, to see what readers find most interesting and noteworthy. A feature in Amazon's Kindle e-reader allows readers to highlight and share their favorite sentences .

These are the 5 Most Highlighted Quotes in The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness: How to Optimize Brain Health and Performance at Any Age (so far):

  1. "Emotion is the system that tells us how important something is. Attention focuses us on the important and away from the unimportant things. Cognition tells us what to do about it. Cognitive skills are whatever it takes to do those things." (25 Highlighters)
  2. "Working memory is the type of memory that allows us to both hold information in mind and work on it as needed." (22 Highlighters)
  3. "First, the more a network of neurons is activated (i.e., the more often the neurons fire together), the stronger the connections become." (21 Highlighters)
  4. "Since human attention is limited, trying to divide it between too many tasks necessarily results in performance errors." (17 Highlighters)
  5. "Controlling and managing emotion (including stress and anger) is crucial for performing successfully in anything." (17 Highlighters)

–> You can nowSharpBrainsGuide_3D_compressed Read the Book's Introduction and First Chapter Free

How to Order the Book (as paperback or e-book):

  • In the US, click Here
  • Outside the US, click Here

We hope you find it as stimulating to read as it was for us to write!