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An Independent Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) Integrated: What Do the Process Approach Subtests Measure?
Title: An Independent Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) Integrated: What Do the Process Approach Subtests Measure?
Author(s): Benson, Nicholas; Hulac, David M.; Bernstein, Joshua D.
Source: PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT, 25 (3): 692-705 SEP 2013
IDS#: 212PH. ISSN: 1040-3590
Author(s): Benson, Nicholas; Hulac, David M.; Bernstein, Joshua D.
Source: PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT, 25 (3): 692-705 SEP 2013
IDS#: 212PH. ISSN: 1040-3590