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Diagnostic Utility of the Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix for the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children-Fourth Edition Among Referred Students
Title: Diagnostic Utility of the Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix for the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children-Fourth Edition Among Referred Students
Author(s): Styck, Kara M.; Watkins, Marley W.
Source: SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW, 42 (4): 367-382 DEC 2013
IDS#: 270DX. ISSN: 0279-6015
Author(s): Styck, Kara M.; Watkins, Marley W.
Source: SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW, 42 (4): 367-382 DEC 2013
IDS#: 270DX. ISSN: 0279-6015