Monday, February 17, 2014

Fun quote from Raymond Cattell on the importance of taxonomies

-Thanks Joel.  Cattell had a keen interest in taxnomies.  There is an interesting quote in a letter between he and Jack Carroll about organizing an effort to set a standard taxonomy system via APA in my 2009 Intelligence article (
W. Joel Schneider posted: "Raymond Cattell (1987, p. 61): A taxonomy of abilities, like a taxonomy anywhere else in science, is apt to strike a certain type of impatient student as a gratuitous orgy of pedantry. Doubtless, compulsions to intellectual tidiness express themselves pr"
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New post on Assessing Psyche, Engaging Gauss, Seeking Sophia

Fun quote from Raymond Cattell on the importance of taxonomies

by W. Joel Schneider

Raymond Cattell (1987, p. 61):

A taxonomy of abilities, like a taxonomy anywhere else in science, is apt to strike a certain type of impatient student as a gratuitous orgy of pedantry. Doubtless, compulsions to intellectual tidiness express themselves prematurely at times, and excessively at others, but a good descriptive taxonomy, as Darwin found in developing his theory, and as Newton found in the work of Kepler, is the mother of laws and theories.

Raymond Cattell

Raymond Cattell (1905–1998)

W. Joel Schneider | February 17, 2014 at 2:36 pm | Tags: Raymond Cattell, Taxonomies | Categories: History of Intelligence Theories | URL:

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