Sunday, June 01, 2014

Beyond IQ, a new blog about psychological assessment [feedly]

Beyond IQ, a new blog about psychological assessment
// Assessing Psyche, Engaging Gauss, Seeking Sophia

Beyond IQ is an excellent new blog about psychological assessment. It was created about a month ago by Smadar Sapir Yogev, an educational psychologist working in Jerusalem.

Smadar Sapir Yogev

Smadar Sapir Yogev

Smadar posts in both Hebrew and in English on a wide range of assessment-related topics. She has created an excellent nine-part series on CHC theory, of which six parts have been published. My favorite in the series so far is the presentation on long-term memory, which presents CHC theory memory abilities alongside other aspects of memory processes identified by cognitive psychologists.

I look forward to reading Smadar's future posts on a diverse range of topics.


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