Thursday, July 31, 2014

WJ IV update: WJ IV g-scores (GIA,BIA,Gf-Gc composite) correlations with WISC-IV/WAIS-IV FS and GAI IQ scores

In the WJ IV technical manual (McGrew, LaForte, Schrank, 2014) concurrent validity results are presented for the WJ IV COG with the WISC-IV and WAIS-IV (click here for WJ IV COG overview and select correlation information from tech. manual).

A number of psychologists have asked about correlations between the primary WJ IV COG g-scores and the Wechsler General Ability Index (GAI).  They are not presented in the technical manual.  I have now computed those correlations, as well as a few others with the Wechsler GAI, and they are now part of the SlideShare at the link above and are also reported below.  Click on image to enlarge.